Eighteen years of alumni of Tomchei Temimim Cincinnati gathered Wednesday night in Crown Heights for a Yeshiva reunion, with members of the yeshiva staff.
Photos: Dovber Hechtman/Anash.org
On Wednesday night, 20 Elul, bochurim, yungelite, and Shluchim – all proud alumni of Tomchei Tmimim of Cincinnati, gathered together for an inspirational Hakhel and Farbrengen.
The event was addressed by Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Gershon Avtzon, Maggid Shiur Rabbi Eliyahu Simpson, and guest speaker Rabbi Shais Taub. The event was also addressed by Rabbi Sholom Baras, father of beloved mashpia Rabbi Zalman Baras a”h.
Over the course of the event, alumni and hanhalla members spoke and shared stories and their feelings of the great impact this Yeshiva had on them.
To see a room, packed with alumni, going back to graduates from 18 years ago, filled with such tremendous achdus, sitting farbrenging together, in such a warm and loving environment, was really a sight to behold. A true testament to the powerful impact this Yeshiva has had on their talmidim’s lives.
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