Memorable Melava Malka for Beis Chaya Mushka Mothers

On Motzei Shabbos, Beis Chaya Mushka hosted a heartwarming and memorable Melava Malka for school mothers. The theme of the evening was “Motzei Shabbos” which continues the kedusha of Shabbos just like pure chinuch impacts the continuation of a child’s life.

This past Motzei Shabbos, Beis Chaya Mushka hosted a heartwarming and memorable Melava Malka for the mothers of the school.

We were welcomed into a beautifully set room, where there was a delicious spread for Melava Malka. After enjoying soups, salads, and more, we heard from Rabbi Levi Plotkin, the Dean of Beis Chaya Mushka, bringing out the theme of the evening. Just as Motzei Shabbos carries the Kedusha of Shabbos into the whole week, the חינוך על טהרת הקודש our children are receiving here in Beis Chaya Mushka, will carry them throughout their whole life!

The highlight of the program was a delightful performance by the 5th-grade class, who sang a beautiful Gutte Voch melody. The choir was led by BCM high school students Rashi Rubashkin and Mushky Hillel.

Mrs. Borodkin inspired us with her journey to Yiddishkeit and then to Crown Heights and becoming a teacher in Beis Chaya Mushka and mother of Beis Chaya Mushka alumni!

The evening continued with an inspiring talk by Mrs. Borodkin. She shared her personal journey to Yiddishkeit, her path to Crown Heights, and then becoming a teacher at Beis Chaya Mushka and a proud mother of BCM alumni!

Then came the fun, where each mother decorated tealight holders and Besomim jars to add to our Motzei Shabbos theme, and a beautiful Havdala Card as a keepsake!

A big thank you to the BCM Mothers Committee—Bassie Chaskind, Chani Glick, Chaya Itzchakov, Menucha Paul, Shaindy Sherr, and Rivky Vogel—for organizing this wonderful event, leaving everyone with a deeper connection to Beis Chaya Mushka and each other.


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