London Unites for Lively Simchas Beis HaShoeiva Dancing

With talented juggling, extraordinary fire hat dancing, and a live keyboardist, over 150 anash from across London came together during Chol Hamoed Sukkos at the Kingsley Way Beis Hamedrash for a lively and joyful Simchas Beis HaShoeva event.

On Tuesday night, 22nd October, during Chol Hamoed Sukkos, Kingsley Way Beis Hamedrash hosted a lively Simchas Beis Hashoeva celebration. Over 150 men, women, and children from across London, Epping, Chigwell, Essex, Edgware, Stamford Hill, and Golders Green—gathered for an unforgettable evening of joy and unity.

The night featured father-son dancing, filled with excitement and energy. Rabbi Dudi Cohen remarked: “There is no greater joy than to see the children dancing with such vigor and excitement. Simchas Beis Hashoeva at Kingsley Way is something the children anticipate and look forward to the whole year.”

Highlights included an amazing juggling act by Mendel Cohen and Binyomin Davidoff, along with Dovid Heller’s fantastic keyboard performance. The crowd was captivated by Rabbi Shmuel Aryeh Hackner’s iconic fire-hat dance and the boys’ impressive pyramid display.

Special thanks go to our generous sponsors who helped make this celebration so special and one that the children will remember for years to come.


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