Do a Mitzva for Rabbi Tzvi Kogan

In response to the horrific murder of shliach Rabbi Tzvi Kogan, and following the Rebbe’s instructions to respond to tragedy with more light and strength, a OneMitzvah campaign has been launched to amass an ever-growing number of mitzvos in the shliach’s merit.

The feelings that encompassed us during those days of uncertainty, when we didn’t know what was happening with Rabbi Tzvi Kogan, the shliach of the rebbe, part of Am Yisrael, our brother!

When the shocking news hit on Sunday morning, no one knew what to think.  

The pain is indescribable. The question on all of our minds from the young to the old is the same: What to do now? What is something tangible we can all contribute?

The Rebbe always tells us that in response to tragedy, we must add more light and grow with ever-increasing strength. In response to the actions of evil, we counteract with even more good. Rabbi Kogan was an ambassador of light to the world and he fulfilled his task with joy and energy. The terrorists wanted to destroy this. They wanted to stop his driving force from changing the world.

So our response follows the Rebbe’s lead. We add more. We do more. We accomplish more. More light, more shine, more glow. We show the world that nothing can stop us. We will add more in honor of Rabbi Kogan. We continue what he worked so hard for until we reach the day we’ve all been awaiting, when Hakitzu Vrannenu Shoichnie Afar with Rabbi Kogan among them.


To add more light Lezchus Rabbi Kogan go to:


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