Dear Shliach, Your Anash Community Needs You, Too

Whether your shlichus has sent you to the most remote region or to somewhere in New York City, your home team is honored to be there for you. Crown Heights is ready for meaningful improvements to keep the Shechuna going strong – and you are a part of it!

To the Shluchim and Shluchos the world over,

Whether your shlichus has sent you to the most remote region or to somewhere in New York City, your home team is as honored as ever to offer you whatever personal, financial, emotional, educational, and spiritual support we can.

Crown Heights has always been here for the Rebbe’s Shluchim and Shluchos. You, around the world, are our greatest asset and our truest pride. Before Bozeman or Beijing or Bogotá were your communities, the Shechuna was yours. For every Yud Shevat, Pegisha event and Cteen Shabbaton, for every Kinnus, for every mikvah and every building and all of the ways you bring the Rebbe’s vision to life, Crown Heights has had your back and hosted your constituents every step of the way.

Today, Crown Heights is ready for meaningful improvements to keep the Shechuna going strong. As much as Crown Heights is for the residents, this community is equally yours. That is why Vaad Hakohol, is writing to the Shluchim and Shluchos in an appeal for your support. There is so much good that the new Vaad can do for Crown Heights, and your home base is in real need of renewed resources.

Though your local community needs incredible amounts of time, energy, and personal sacrifice, which you devote day-in and day-out, the good news is your Crown Heights community doesn’t ask much in return. We are proud to partner with you, and we want to ensure that Crown Heights can continue to meet the needs of the Shluchim and Shluchos as long as shlichus is necessary.

If you feel you’ve received meaningful support from your first community, your Anash community – please join your fellow community members, and the Rebbe himself, in partnering with Vaad Hakohol. Community Membership costs only $120 – the same amount the Rebbe gave the Vaad on the 20th of Teves, 5751 (equivalent to $277 after for inflation).

Whether you contribute $120, as the Rebbe did, or just $15 per month, every Membership strengthens the community that partners in your shlichus year after year.

This will support Crown Heights, a strong Beis Din and a flourishing next generation of the Rebbe’s Shluchim.

Please don’t wait. Register for Community Membership today – there is so much to be done.

With the deepest gratitude,

The Vaad Hakohol


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