Who will support the daughter as she prepares for marriage? What will become of the son who was eagerly awaiting his Bar Mitzvah? Who will care for the special-needs child who depended on his mother every day?
Magnificent Paris Siyum Memorialized Late Shluchos
A gorgeous Siyum Horambam was held in Paris in honor of the Rambam and 75 years of the Rebbe’s nesius. Two shluchos who recently passed away were memorialized by their husbands, Harav Yechiel Kalmenson of Brunoy and Rabbi Shlomo Azoulay of Levallois.
My Father the Businessman Experienced Hashem’s Kiss
Article by Rabbi Eli Silberstein of Ithaca, NY: My father was a businessman his entire life, yet anyone who knew him immediately recognized that his deepest passion was Torah. He lived with Hashem’s kiss every single day of his life.
This Production is Led Entirely by the Girls Themselves
Bais Chomesh of Toronto’s production is more than just a play—it’s a completely student-led initiative that provides each girl with the opportunity to shine and grow. From scriptwriting and songwriting to managing practices and leading drama and music teams, every aspect of the production is handled by the students themselves.
Classic ‘Kublitz Nigun’ Transformed to Lively Purim Song
Lubavitch singer Shmulik Sofer released a Purim song using the classic Chabad niggun from chassidim of the town of Kublitz infused with lyrics from the megilah.
Connecticut Shliach Inspires at Florida’s Central Siyum
Over 500 Shluchim, Anash, and Temimim from Yeshivos across Florida gathered for the central Siyum HaRambam of the state. The highlight of the evening was the keynote address by the guest speaker, Head Shliach of Connecticut, Rabbi Yisroel Deren.
Cheder Chabad Boys Celebrated Siyum HaRambam
Students of Cheder Chabad of Monsey gathered to celebrate the Siyum HaRambam, marking the completion of the 44th cycle of learning Rambam’s teachings, be it Mishneh Torah, or for the younger grades, Sefer Hamitzvos.
Body of Missing Florida Jewish Woman Recovered in Montana
33-year-old Danit Ehrlich, whose parents are members of a Chabad-run shul in Highland Lakes, FL, went missing over a week ago near a river in Missoula, Montana. After extensive search by Matzil Search and Rescue, her body was recovered and will be brought to kever Yisroel.
War Day 520: Flash Drills at IDF Bases, Houthis Threaten Israel
War Summary, Day 520: Trump envoy Adam Boehler, who spoke with Hamas terrorists, gives series of interviews and calls the terrorists “actually pretty nice guys,” Israel turns off electric supply to Gaza and may turn off water supply, Hamas terrorists back at planting roadside bombs, Hezbollah still finding terrorist bodies, Houthis again threaten Israel, Qatar warns against attacking Iran, unrest in Syria, new IDF appointments, and flash drills at IDF bases.
Inspirational Shloshim Held for Rabbi Moshe Herson
A large crowd of family, friends, and alumni gathered at the yeshiva in Morristown, to mark the shloshim of Rabbi Moshe Herson, head shliach to New Jersey and longtime dean of the yeshiva. Rabbi Mendy Herson was formally appointed as the new head shliach to the state of New Jersey.
Live Now: The Insider Auction
The anticipation is over—the Insider Auction is officially live. The stage is set, the energy is electric, and an extraordinary evening of inspiration, entertainment, and high-stakes excitement is unfolding right now. And it’s not too late to be part of it—you can still buy tickets and enter for your chance to win.
Is The ‘Old-School Approach’ Too Old For Today’s Classrooms?
“As a starter in education, I noticed two distinct styles of classroom management: the traditional ‘old-school’ approach and the more ‘modern’ method. I couldn’t help but wonder—why were some teachers clinging to outdated methods?”
Kingston Wraps Up Successful Avos Ubanim 5785
Avos Ubanim completed another successful year in the Anash community of Kingston, PA, with dozens of fathers and sons coming together on Motzaei Shabbos for learning and prizes.
Education Day Declared By Three Branches of Texas Government
In a unique move, three government branches of Texas – the Governor, State House and State Senate – declared the Rebbe’s birthday on Yud Alef Nissan as Education and Sharing Day in the state of Texas. Rabbi Levi Greenberg of El Paso delivered the House invocation.
Up-and-Coming One-Man Band Brings Simcha to Every Occasion
Planning a Bar Mitzvah, wedding, or Chabad House event and need a high-energy, professional musician to elevate your simcha? Meet Motty Reizes, a talented one-man band with over 15 years of experience, now available to travel nationwide and bring the joy of music to you!
Levaya Held for Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Wilschanski
Thousands of talmidim and anash gathered today for the levaya of Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Wilschanski, the Rebbe’s shliach to Eretz Yisroel and Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Chasidei Chabad Lubavitch in Tzfas. The procession began at the Heichal Levi Yitzchak shul in Kiryat Chabad, passing by the Yeshiva, with kevurah in the Beis HaChaim in Tzfas.
Mordechai and the Children’s Pesukim
Anash.org Feature: This week’s Iyun Podcast by Rabbi Binyomin Bitton, director of the Tzfunot Institute, deciphering the Rebbe’s haoros on the different opinions in Halacha, and its ramifications in the stories of Mordechai, Rabbi Yochanan, Rav Sheshes, Acher and Nero Caesar.
What Jewish Learning Without Limits Looks Like
Jack is a 13-year-old boy who lives in a remote town in Montana – the closest Jewish community is tens of miles away. Leah is a 6-year-old girl with complex health issues that prevent her from going to school. Nigri Jewish Online School allows them a full Jewish education.
500 Bochurim Exhibit Mastery in Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch
More than 500 bochurim from yeshivos across Eretz Yisroel participated in an in-depth exam on hilchos tefilah from the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch. The test is part of a program led by Rabbi Avraham Alashvili and coordinated by the Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim.
‘America is Nisht Andersh’: Story Brings Alive Escape to America
Ahead of Tes Adar, master storyteller Rabbi Sholem Perl debuts his next adventure in the Timeless Treasures series with the Frierdiker Rebbe’s daring escape to America and his battle for “America Is Nisht Andersh.”