Avraham Fried Leads Powerful Selichos at Me’aras HaMachpelah

Hundreds joined an uplifting selichos at Me’aras Hamachpelah led by Lubavitcher singer and chazan Avraham Fried, to the background of a dramatic multimedia presentation projected on the building.

Photos: Chaiim Tuito

Thousands of Yidden gathered at Me’aras HaMachpela in Chevron for an emotion-packed Selichos with world-renowned singer Avraham Fried. The ancient site, the burial place of the avos and imahos, resonated with tefilos and songs during this spiritually charged evening.

The event, which drew participants from diverse segments of the Jewish community, seamlessly blended tradition with modernity. A state-of-the-art multimedia display illuminated the walls of Me’aras HaMachpelah, providing a visually stunning backdrop to Fried’s performance.

Uri Karzen, CEO of the Jewish Community in Chevron, described the event as “nothing short of incredible.” 

“Seeing thousands of Yidden come together at this holy site, especially in these times, is a testament to our unwavering emunah and ruach,” he said. 

The event took on added significance against the backdrop of ongoing tensions in Eretz Yisroel. Yishai Fleisher, International Spokesman for Chevron, expressed a message of resilience: “You might think Yidden in Eretz Yisroel are afraid – we are not! We dance! We win! Nothing can stop our joy.”

As the event drew to a close, attendees departed with a palpable sense of spiritual renewal, carrying the evening’s inspiration with them as they prepared for the approaching Yomim Norai’m.

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