For decades, Rabbi Meir Zajac of Brazil sponsored and presented the Rebbe’s Likkutei Sichos to him. His son continued this tradition by presenting a new set of Rebbe’s teachings at the Ohel.
For over three decades, Rabbi Meir Zajac of Brazil had a unique privilege: he sponsored and presented each new volume of the Rebbe’s Likkutei Sichos to him. This past week, his son Rabbi Yossi Zajac continued this tradition, by presenting a new set of seforim, published by Or Hachassidus for their 20th year campaign, at the Rebbe’s Ohel.
A successful businessman, Rabbi Zajac helped establish the Orthodox community in São Paulo and supported numerous Jewish causes. As a devoted Chossid, he sought the Rebbe’s guidance in all matters, attributing his success to the Rebbe’s advice and blessings.
In 1967, the renowned Chossid Reb Bentzion Shemtov approached him to sponsor the publication of the Rebbe’s sichos – which had recently begun being published as Likkutei Sichos booklets – for wider Jewish readership. Reb Bentzion offered Reb Meir a deal: The latter would sponsor the new printing machine for the sichos, and in return, each weekly booklet would include a dedication to his family. Reb Meir agreed, and after the Rebbe approved, the deal took off.
For the next three decades, Reb Meir sponsored the publication of both the Likkutei Sichos booklets and later the complete volumes. The Rebbe showed such respect for Reb Meir’s sponsorship that when he wished to add his own dedications to the booklets, he first had his secretariat seek Reb Meir’s permission. Reb Meir personally presented several volumes to the Rebbe after printing, receiving warm blessings for his support.
In recent years, the Zajac family continues their father’s legacy by serving as primary supporters of Or Hachassidus, furthering its mission to make the Rebbe’s teachings accessible to every Jew.
This year marks Or Hachassidus’s 20th anniversary. To commemorate this milestone, they plan to publish new volumes of the Rebbe’s teachings and reprint their complete library of seforim on the Parsha and Yomim Tovim.
The first new set to be printed as part of this campaign was ‘Pninim’ – containing short “pearls” from the Rebbe’s Torah on each parsha. As with the previous seforim, the Zajac family gave a generous dedication towards the printing of the books.
After the first sets arrived from the printer, Rabbi Avrohom Mann, founder and director of Or Hachsidus, called Reb Meir’s son, Rabbi Yossi Zajac. “Your father brought each new volume of Likkutei Sichos to the Rebbe. You should bring this new sefer to the Rebbe’s Ohel, following in your father’s footsteps,” he told him.
Rabbi Zajac agreed, and this past week, he came with his family and Rabbi Mann to the Rebbe’s Ohel, where they presented the first printed copies. “It was an electrifying moment,” Rabbi Man says, “witnessing a second generation of pure dedication to spreading the Rebbe’s Torah.”
In the coming weeks, Or Hachassidus will reprint their complete library – 20 volumes of the Rebbe’s teachings arranged in various formats for the Parshios and Yomim Tovim. They will also publish several new volumes, expanding the reach of the Rebbe’s Torah to more homes.
You can receive the entire collection with a monthly donation of $50, allowing you to both help spread the Rebbe’s teachings and bring this valuable collection into your home.
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