Alter Rebbe Descendants Celebrate Annual ‘T’zetzoim’ Melava Malka 

Hundreds of the Alter Rebbe’s descendants (“Tze’etzoim”), Chabad Chassidim as well as members of other Chassidic communities, gathered united last Motzo’ei Shabbos for an annual Melaveh Malka in honor of the 212th Hilula-Yohrtzeit of the Alter Rebbe.

Hundreds of the Alter Rebbe’s descendants (“Tze’etzoim”) assembled for their annual Melaveh Malka, on Motzo’ei Shabbos, 25 Teves, in close proximity to the 212th Hilula-Yohrtzeit which was Friday Chof Daled Teves. 

The attendees included Chabad Chassidim, as well as members of other Chassidic communities, all united to honor the great privilege of being among the many thousands of the Alter Rebbe’s descendants around the world.

In 1974 the Rebbe personally directed Rabbi Shmuel M.M. Butman ע״ה to be the chairman and organize this special annual Melaveh Malka. 

In 1972 when the Rebbe requested the establishment of 71 new institutions in honor of the Rebbe’s Yom Holedes on Yud Alef Nisan, the Association of Descendants of The Alter Rebbe was the first institution to receive the Rebbe’s approval. 

In the Tzetel – note to Rabbi Butman the Rebbe wrote : ואפילו בתירוץ אמיתי לא ישתמט״” ״Even with a true excuse he should not evade” 

For over fifty years Rabbi Shmuel Butman merited to fulfill the Rebbe’s personal request. Since Rabbi Butman’s passing this past summer on the 16th of Tamuz, his two sons Rabbi Velvl and Rabbi Yossi Butman continued their father’s activities, tradition and legacy. 

Rabbi Velvl Butman served as MC and began by inviting Rabbi Moshe Newman, son of Shluchim in Chabad Alexandria-Arlington Virginia, Rabbi Mordechei and Yehudis Newman and grandson of Rabbi Shmuel Butman, to recite the Rebbe’s Kapitel Tehilim. 

The Melaveh Malka began with a special video which Rabbi Yossi Butman produced in partnership with JEM, a collection of talks of the Rebbe about the importance of the T’zetzoim descendants of the Alter Rebbe to continue in the Alter Rebbe’s ways and how each person who studies the Alter Rebbe’s Torah, helps fulfil the teaching of our sages which says: מה זרעו בחיים אף הוא בחיים. Just as his descendent and students are alive and follow in his ways so too is he alive!

Rabbi Velvl Butman quoted his father Rabbi Shmuel Butman -the longtime Chairman of the Association of the Descendants of the Alter Rebbe and Director of the Lubavitch Youth Organization- who quoted the Rebbe’s famous Sichoh on Shabbos 25 Teves 1984- 5744 when Rabbi Shmuel Butman wasn’t sure whether to hold the gathering. Should it be on the previous Motzo’ei Shabbos, or on the following Motzo’ei Shabbos 25 Teves.

Ultimately, he decided on the latter option but wasn’t certain whether he had made the right choice. During the Farbrengen that Shabbos, the Rebbe mentioned the Melaveh Malka of the Tze’etzoim taking place that night, “Bismichus” in close proximity to the Yom Hahilula.

When the Rebbe entered for the Fabrengen, the Rebbe’s Mazkir, Rabbi Leibel Groner brought a small bottle of Mashke and placed it on the table in front of the Rebbe. 

During the Farbrengen, the Rebbe dedicated an entire Sicha to discussing the “Tze’etzoim.” In that Sicha, the Rebbe focused on the nusach of the bracha over Torah study which we recite every morning. In contrast to other versions, which state, “Vetze’etzoei Tzeotzoeinu” –“May we, our descendants, and the descendants of our descendants,” the Alter Rebbe, however uses just one word “Vetze’eotzoeinu” –”May we and our descendants.” The Rebbe explained: The other version limits itself to only three generations, while the term “Vetzeotzeinu” –“our descendants” on its own includes all future generations. 

We see, said the Rebbe, something mindboggling and heartwarming: All of the Alter Rebbe’s descendants throughout all the generations –the Mitteler Rebbe included– are referred to in one and the same word “Vetze’etzoei.”

The Rebbe added that to add bracha and encouragement for the Melaveh Malka, the Rebbe would give a bottle of Mashke for the gathering. The Rebbe mentioned that this bottle came from chassidim in “Russia, the country where the Alter Rebbe was.” The Rebbe then called Rabbi Butman to come over, and the Rebbe gave him the bottle. 

“Throughout all the years,” once related Rabbi Shmuel Butman, “we merited to see much encouragement from the Rebbe in letters, Maanos, and bottles of mashke.” 

The Rebbe said to Rabbi Chaim Yitzchok Pupko who was the son-in-law of Reb Moshele Schneerson who had the Koidanov Shul at 922 Eastern Parkway: “The blood of the Alter Rebbe is in your children!” Every descendent of the Alter Rebbe has part of the Alter Rebbe in them and has the Z’chus and responsibility to live up to their holy Zeide’s teachings and ways.

The uniqueness of this Melaveh Malka is that all the participants and speakers are among the Alter Rebbe’s descendants. It is clear from the Rebbe’s special attention to this gathering that the Rebbe wants to empower every participant –young or old– with the awareness of the privilege and responsibility that comes along with being amongst the Alter Rebbe’s descendants. This feeling is especially felt when all the participants and speakers are Descendants of the Alter Rebbe. 

The Alter Rebbe teaches that a Nigun is “the quill of the heart” and enables a person to rise above and transcend any limitations they may find themselves in. In this light, the descendants sang the Alter Rebbe’s Ten Nigunim. 

The Nigunim were led by Rabbi Yosef Zirkind who is gifted with a sweet and pleasant voice. He is the son of Rabbi Yitzchok Zirkind, son-in-law of Rabbi Yitzchak Dovid Groner — both of whom would attend the annual gathering (Rabbi Groner—whenever he was in town at the time). 

Accompanying music was played by the renowned musician Choni Milecki, whose great-grandfather, Reb Elchonon Morozov, was taught by the Rebbe Rashab the Ten Niggunim composed by the Alter Rebbe. 

As customary, the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch was divided amongst the participants to be learned and completed jointly during the coming year. Each participant’s commitment was marked on a computer in the hall. 

Rabbi Velvl Butman told of how when he was a student and Shliach in Caracas Venezuela, from 1987-1989, 5747-5749, he made a Chalukah of the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch. The Rebbe’s answer on the Duch – report was: ״ממנו יראו וכן יעשו״. Which means: From him others will see and they should do the same”. 

Amongst the participants was a special descendent, with a very special lineage. Rabbi Mendy Schneerson is the son of Reb Sholom Ber Schneerson, grandson of Reb Zalman Schneerson, who was a first cousin to the Rebbe’s father as their fathers were brothers, and Ben Achar Ben of Reb Boruch Sholom the eldest son of the Tzemach Tzedek.

Rabbi Mendy Schneerson once shared the Rebbe’s words on Chof Daled Teves 5717, when the Rebbe asked about the connection between a joyous Hilula (celebration) and a Tzadik’s Yohrzteit. The Rebbe explained that the joy is due to the culmination and completion of the Tzadik’s Divine service in this physical world. 

The Rebbe also mentioned that generally, to be connected to a Tzadik, it requires Avodah of following in the Tzadik’s ways. But for those who were privileged to be one of the Tzadik’s descendants, the connection is inherently there “as a father inherits to his children.” 

The community at large, is invited to participate in the Chalukah of the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch by signing up at and choosing the section they will commit to study. There, you can download the relevant pages in PDF format. 

Throughout the year, reminders will be sent to the participants regarding their commitment. This campaign unites Jews across the globe in the study of the Alter Rebbe’s teachings and enables the Shulchan Aruch to be completed by all. 

Rabbi Chaim – Marc- Schneier, is the founder and Rabbi of the Hampton Synagogue. Rabbi Schneier told how his father Rabbi Arthur Schneier, would bring him to the Rebbe for dollars and the Rebbe would often encourage him and say to him: “Chaim, I am Schneerson but you are Schneur, you should live up to your name!” The Rebbe imparted to me a challenge at a young age! 

Rabbi Schneier spoke of how only Chabad sees every Jew for who they truly are as the Alter Rebbe explains in Tanya. Whereas others fail to see the beauty in every Jew. As the Torah says by the plague of darkness: ולא ראו איש את אחיו. The Egyptians failed to see the other person because their heart was blind. 

“Only Chabad has the capacity to eliminate the darkness and unite all of Am Yisroel with the light of the Torah of the Alter Rebbe and the Rebbe.”. 

Rabbi Schneier praised the Rebbe’s 6000 Shluchim around the world who selflesly devote their life to bring the light, joy and beauty of Judaism to every Jew unconditionally! 

Rabbi Dr. Bentzion Twersky, graced the Melaveh Malka with his inspiring insights. Rabbi Twersky is the son of the famous author Rabbi Avrohom Twersky, a descendant of the Kedushas Tziyon of Bobov; Horav Hatzadik R’ Mordechai Dov of Horensteipel, a grandson of Horav Hatzadik R’ Yaakov Yisroel of Cherkas, son-in-law of the Mitteler Rebbe.

In his speech, Rabbi Twersky emphasized the way the Alter Rebbe, followed by all Chabad Rebbeim, to is to bring every Jew close to Hashem, notwithstanding his level of Torah observance. He related several inspiring stories. Including stories of the Baal Shem Tov. Rabbi Twersky is a loyal annual participant and an inspiration to his listeners. 

Rabbi Twersky told how the Baal Shem Tov gathered a Minyen of Ganovim – Thieves to pray for the health of an individual and they succeeded. Because a thief knows how to “open” gates which are locked. Later the Baal Shem Tov gave them each a Tikun to repair their soul. 

In another story Rabbi Twersky told how Reb Pinchas of Koritz successfully prayed for a sick individual. When the students of the Baal Shem Tov asked Reb Pinchas how did he do it? Reb Pinchas explained that he saw that the heavenly gates of healing are blocked, so he prayed at the heavenly gate of Parnosoh and succeeded. Then automatically the gates of life opened because Hashem gives Parnosoh to those who live.

Rabbi Naftoli Citron, Rov of the Carlebach Shul on the Upper West Side addressed the audience. He is a grandson of Reb Eliyahu Chaim Carlebach, and a great-grandson of Reb Schneur Zalman Schneerson whose lineage traces Ben Achar Ben, to the Tzemach Tzedek.

Rabbi Citron honored the presence of his grandmother Mrs. Hadasah Carlebach and wished her long life and Chassidishe Nachas. 

In his remarks Rabbi Citron spoke of the inspiring lessons of Tanya and how to yearn and connect to Hashem. Quoting Tanya chapter 9, Rabbi Citron emphasized the unbreakable bond between the Jewish people and Hashem. 

With his inspirational talent, Rabbi Citron pointed out how our souls were in heaven and enjoyed our relationship with our Father in Heaven and now now when we are on earth, we yearn to be with our Father in Heaven and our Father yearns to be with us. The further we are the greater is the yearning!

A Siyum on the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch was made by Rabbi Shlomo Segal, Dayan in Crown Heights and member of Rabonei Anash. Rabbi Segal is married to Mrs. Michla Segal, the daughter of Rabbi Sholom Ber Butman ע״ה whose mother Mrs. Yehudis Butman was a first cousin to the Rebbe’s father, a descendent of the Alter Rebbe, the Mitteler Rebbe and the Tzemach Tzedek, as well as being a descendent thru the famous Segal family.

Rabbi Segal recited the final Halacha in the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch, which discusses the laws of “Chassimo” –muzzling an animal while it works. The Alter Rebbe rules that if one is taking muzzled animals from place to place, even if they tread upon grain and it gets threshed, he isn’t liable for muzzling them. This is because it was not his intention for them to thresh the grain. The Alter Rebbe concludes that the same applies “in all similar situations.” 

Additionally, Rabbi Segal shared an inspiring story of Reb Zusha and the importance of Hachnosas Orchim. The point of the story was that Reb Zushe said to an arrogant individual who hosted only scholars and mocked simple Jews, that one who does so is like a wicked person. Because a righteous person treats all Jews with honor, dignity and respect. 

Rabbi Michoel Seligson, a celebrated author and Mashpia, son of the Rebbe’s doctor Reb Avrohom Aba Seligson, a descendant of the Alter Rebbe, began the new study of the Alter Rebbe’s Shulman Aruch and taught the first Halocha, which begins, “Yehuda ben Teimoh says…” that one shouldn’t be ashamed before those who scoff. 

In an inspiring story, Rabbi Seligson shared how recently there was a weeding of two non-Chabad families but one of them is a descendent of the Alter Rebbe. As is their usual custom they very much wanted to sing the Alter Rebbe’s Nigun of Daled Bovos at the Chupah, but the other family absolutely refused. 

During the Chupah the officiating Rov noticed there was a serious mistake in the Kesubah which required correction. While they went to fix the Kesubah, the musician played the Alter Rebbe’s Nigun. The family later proclaimed: the Alter Rebbe is stronger than them all! 

The Frierdiker Rebbe once said that singing the Alter Rebbe’s nigun of Arba Bovos is like sending a Pa”n (personal petition) to the Alter Rebbe. 

The highlight of the gathering is when the Tze’etzo’im sing this holy Nigun together. First, they sang the Nigun Hachonoh, then the Alter Rebbe’s nigun, followed by Nyeh Zhuritze Chloptzi. 

A special mention was made in honor of Reb Avrohom Michoel ben Yaakov Shimshon Halevi Flint, who was a steady attendee of the gathering and whose Yohrtseit is on 26 Teves, two days after Chof Daled Teves. 

On behalf of all the descendants, Rabbi Velvl Butman thanked his brother Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Butman, for arranging the Melaveh Malka, and quoted their father Rabbi Shmuel Butman who always gave his son Rabbi Yossi Butman a Brocho for his tireless work and dedication to arrange the Melaveh Malka, that the Alter Rebbe’s Z’chus should stand for him and his family in everything needed, בטוב הנראה והנגלה געזונטערהייט און פרייליכערהייט. 

As Rabbi Shmuel Butman would always announce that the next gathering will B’ezras Hashem take place in Yerusholayim Ir Hakodesh, לשנה הבאה בירושלים together with the Alter Rebbe and the Rebbe. 

The Tze’etzoim left the gathering with renewed inspiration, motivation and commitment to cherish their heritage and lineage and to live up to their ancestor’s teachings, spirit and ways.


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