770 Bochurim Pass Tests with Impressive Results

The revolutionary “Yissachar and Zevulun” project for Iggud Talmidei Hakvutze has achieved remarkable milestones this past month, with hundreds of Temimim excelling in the learning tracks and earning scholarships worth tens of thousands of dollars.

Even amidst a calendar filled with joyous occasions, chassidishe yomim tovim, farbrengens lasting for hours, and Mivtzoyim in full swing, the unwavering framework of diligence and persistence in learning remained steadfast. Every student adhered to their personal goals, which they set for themselves at the beginning of the year. It is clear that the temimim are fully engaged and recognize the global impact of their efforts and the strength they possess!

Attendance during study sessions focus during exams, and the impressive results of the evaluations clearly demonstrate that the temimim participating in the project at 770 spend their time immersed in study and dedication.

This past month, the study material was divided into two parts. A day before Chanukah, an exam was held on the regular curriculum—each student in their respective track, whether in halachah or Hemshech Tof Reish Samech Vav. During the days of Chanukah, between Mivtzoyim activities and other endeavors,” all temimim studied the laws of Minchah and Ma’ariv according to the rulings of the Mishnah Berurah. This material was then tested the day after Hey TevesDidan Notzach.

Following the exams and the distribution of the graded tests, a highly anticipated scholarship ceremony was held at 770. Tens of thousands of dollars in cash scholarships were distributed! The event was charged with excitement as hundreds of temimim gathered in the main hall of 770 in the evening to receive their monthly stipend, presented with great joy and appreciation by the rabbis of the “Iggud Tamidei Hakvutza

A special note of gratitude is extended to the generous donors—the “Zevuluns”—whose support makes this project possible in the most fitting and proper manner.

The project’s objective is clear: to enable every bochur to dedicate his maximum time and effort to learning during his Kvutza year, ensuring he fully utilizes his stay at the Central Yeshiva Tomchei Temimim Lubavitch – Beis Moshiach 770!

How Does It Work?

Five serious study tracks were established with clear annual goals. At the end of each month, an exam is held, and at the beginning of the following month, every student receives a respectable cash scholarship!

  1. Track 1: Hemshech Tof Reish Samech Vav – Throughout the year, students complete the full collection of these renowned ma’amarim.
  2. Track 2: Halachah – Students cover the entirety of the first section of Shulchan Aruch by the Alter Rebbe, with practical applications of the laws.
  3. Track 3: Girsah – One daf per day, with the goal of completing Masechta Kesuvos and Moed Katan by year’s end.
  4. Track 4: Geulah and Moshiach – The complete study of the Likutei Sichos on Geulah and Moshiach.
  5. Track 5: The new addition this year—selected portions of sections 2, 3, and 4 of the Shulchan Aruch HaRav. By the year’s end, students will have a comprehensive understanding of the laws of Shabbos and the festivals with practical applications.

For more information and to join, visit: https://kvutze.org/


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