Our Communities relaunch: As families begin thinking about their plans for the upcoming year, Anash.org is continuing its popular column exploring anash communities throughout North America.
By Anash.org writer
As Lubavitch continues to grow at an astounding rate, anash communities are popping up all over America. COVID-19 changed the world as we know it, and many are finding that their priorities have shifted. For some, a close-knit community is a must; others want to move near a Chabad high school and enjoy a more active social life. Housing costs and job markets are on people’s minds, too.
The search for the right kehilla is challenging and fraught with concerns. Where will my kids get the best chinuch? Who will their friends be? Are there extracurricular activities that are appropriate for frum childdren? How accessible is kosher food and a Chabad mikvah? Climate, distance from family, parnassah… the list of considerations seem endless.
In the not-so-distant past, finding these answers required one to travel, often investing a great deal of energy and incurring personal expense. Even with modern technology, gathering this information can be a cumbersome process.
Last summer, Anash.org launched the series Our Communities. This column offered insight into the mechanics of Anash communities around the country, from well established kehillos with hundreds of families to small pocket communities that are springing up in the most surprising places.
Back by popular demand, ‘Our Communities’ will continue to highlight communities around the continent, sharing each one’s story and answering questions that come up in the search for a neighborhood to call home.
Each article will feature a different community and will highlight its atmosphere, important facts on the ground and contacts who can provide information and helpful resources.
Click the links below to read the previous articles in this series, and stay tuned for the next community, coming later this week!
are there any new or other locations that can be added/shared to this list?