Rabbi Efrem Goldberg, Mara D’Asra of Boca Raton Synagogue, farhered a group of middle school students from Lubavitch Hebrew Academy in Margate, Florida, who had devoted countless hours outside of school to mastering the Shakla V’Tarya of the Gemara, Rashi, and Tosfos.
Rabbi Efrem Goldberg, Mara D’Asra of Boca Raton Synagogue, farhered a group of middle school students from Lubavitch Hebrew Academy in Margate, Florida, who had devoted countless hours outside of school to mastering the Shakla V’Tarya of the Gemara, Rashi, and Tosfos.
At the conclusion of the farher, Rabbi Goldberg expressed admiration for their exceptional mastery and praised their dedication to Limud HaTorah, and bentched them to continue to succeed in their Torah learning.
Wow good to see rabbi sheinberger he was my favorite teacher