A grand Hiloula for the Sephardic community of Crown Heights marked the yahrzeit of the Rambam, Rabbi Yaacov Abuhatzeira, and the Alter Rebbe, hosted by Merkaz Sefard.
Crown Heights residents celebrate triple Hiloula of the Rambam, Rabbi Yaacov Abuhatzeira and the Alter Rebbe
As in past years, Merkaz Sefarad once again partnered with the descendants and family of Rabbi Yaacov Abuhatzeira זצוק”ל זי”ע a.k.a. the Abir Yaacov, to celebrate his Yahrzeit which corresponds with the Hiloulot of the Rambam and Alter Rebbe.
20 Teves is the Hiloula of the Rambam and Rabbi Yaacov Abuhatzeira, while the Yahrzeit of the Alter Rebbe is 24 Teves.
Over 180 men and women joined the Hiloula, which was organized and led by the Rav of Merkaz Sefarad, Rabbi Eliezer (Lazer) Avtzon, for an evening of inspiration. Divrei Torah and Piyutim.
The evening was em-ceed by Rabbi Avtzon, who spoke on the connections between these three Tzadikim and the importance of celebrating their Hiloulot in Crown Heights.
Videos of Rabbi Yechiel Abuhatzeira of Ramla, davening at the Kever of Rabbi Yaacov in Damenhour Egypt were shown, as well as several videos and Divrei Chizuk by prominent Rabbonim from Israel.
While watching these videos, special Tefilot for our soldiers, the hostages and wounded, were recited.
Rabbi Moshe Raitport, Rav of the Beinuni Shul / Ulam Chana, where the event was hosted, skilfully wove Divrei Torah from the Rambam, the Abir Yaacov and from the Alter Rebbe, and spoke of the special Zechus to be a part of this Hiloula.
Rabbi Yekutiel (Kuti) Feldman, Mashpia in 770, and who comes to speak at the Merkaz Sefarad every week by Seuda Shlishit, also spoke on the importance of celebrating this triple Hiloula.
Rabbi Gavriel Abichzir, of Merkaz LeDovrei Ivrit, and close friend of Rabbi Avtzon, and who was personally close to the Abuhatzeira family, concluded with stories and divrei bracha.
The delicious food was personally prepared by Mrs. Chaya Zaetz. A huge thanks to Reb Moshe Rubashkin for providing his kitchen and staff.
Music and entertainment was provided by pianist and singer Hillel Melloul of Marseilles, France, with the assistance of traditional Moroccan drumming by Reb Yitzchok and Rafael Fakiro, and Moshe Sebag, as well as vocals from Yossi Sultan, Yehuda Reichman, Avrohom Chaddad, David Abraham and others.
Bezras Hashem the Hiloula of the Baba Sali, רבי ישראל אבוחצירא זצוק”ל זי”ע will take place Sunday night, February 2nd, at Oholei Torah.
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