Rebbe’s Instruction Fulfilled With Mass Tefillah Broadcast

45,000 children from across Eretz Yisroel united on Vov Tishrei, yahrzeit of Rebbetzin Chana, for a special tefillah broadcast, in light of the Rebbe’s instructions before the Yom Kippur War.

Tens of thousands of students gathered virtually in hundreds of Reshet Oholei Yosef Yitzchak schools across Eretz Yisroel for a special tefillah broadcast. The annual event, held during the Aseres Yemei Teshuvah, took on particular significance this year due to the current situation in Israel.

The theme of this year’s gathering was Mipi olelim v’yonkim yisadta oz – “Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings You have established strength because of Your adversaries, in order to put an end to enemy and avenger.”

The first such event was held 51 years ago, when the Rebbe sent a letter to the activists involved in chinuch and the administration of the Reshet asking them to hold a gathering near the Kosel. In his letter, the Rebbe detailed the content to be shared with the children.

Just days later, the Yom Kippur War broke out, and then everyone understood the Rebbe’s push to have the children gather, thus fulfilling the possuk of “Mipi olelim v’yonkim.”

Due to the ongoing war, this year’s gathering was held virtually, with a live broadcast allowing the children to “gather” at the Kosel from their homes and schools.

Rabbi Zeev Wolf Kritzevsky opened the event, emphasizing to the children the privilege of participating in this assembly at such a holy site. He stressed the importance of each child’s role in the security of the entire Jewish people, especially during these challenging times.

Following the recital of the Rebbe’s kapitel and a special tefillah for the safety of the Israeli soldiers and for the return of the hostages, students from Northern Israel were called upon to recite the twelve pesukim. Tens of thousands of children repeated after them, word for word, from hundreds of locations across Eretz Yisroel. 

The children then watched a video of the Rebbe at a children’s rally, and joined in the singing of Avinu Malkeinu, led by singer Shmulik Soffer.

As is customary in these gatherings, a tzedaka component was included, with students encouraged to donate to tzedaka boxes prepared for the occasion.

A special emphasis was placed on the Rebbe’s guidance on maintaining joy during difficult times, while remaining sensitive to others’ feelings. Participants were encouraged to recognize and appreciate the miracles occurring around them, with the belief that this will hasten the geulah.

The gathering concluded with joyous niggunim, and a tefillah for Moshiach to arrive, even before Yom Kippur.

Organized by the Chassidic Social Education Division of the Reshet, the event was dedicated to the memory of 12-year-old Menachem Mendel Bolton a”h.

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