Close to one hundred Paris shluchim came together for a Melava Malka in preparation for Yud Shvat. The event was headlined by shliach Rabbi Shmuel Raskin of Budapest, and a special memento honored the late New Jersey shliach Rabbi Moshe Herson.
In preparation for Yud Shvat, a special Melave Malka was held for Shluchim of Paris and nearby towns, organized by the “Misdar L’Ezras HaShluchim”.
Close to one hundred Shluchim participated in this uplifting event, where inspiring words were shared. Special guest of honor, Rabbi Shmuel Raskin of Budapest, passionately addressed the crowd, emphasizing the feeling of “Ashreinu ma tov chelkeinu” and the zechus of being part of the Rebbe’s army.
At the conclusion of the Melave Malka, a special memento was distributed about the late New Jersey shliach Rabbi Moshe Herson.
Photos: Mordechai Lubecki
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