Moscow Marked 30th Gimmel Tammuz ‘Even Stronger’

Shluchim, anash, and mekuravim marked Gimmel Tammuz in the Marina Roscha shul with a lavish farbrengen with Rabbi Zalman Shimon Deren, featuring noted flutist, baal menagen and shliach Rabbi Lev Leibman. The theme: ’30 Years – Even Stronger.’


Picture of the Day

A rare occurrence happened this morning at Chabad of Tri-Valley, CA, under Rabbi Raleigh Resnick, when a boy, his father, and his grandfather, all firstborn, underwent a pidyon haben with kohen R’ Mendel Rice.


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The Rebbe’s Solution to the Teacher Crisis

From the Inbox: As schools everywhere face a shortage of staff, a recently published letter of the Rebbe sheds light on what it takes to satisfy teachers: principals should give teachers autonomy over their classes and teachers should be paid proper salaries.


Kingston PA Community Spellbound by Ithaca Shliach

Anash and bochurim of the Kingston PA community gathered for a Yud Beis Tammuz farbrengen at the Beis Moshe shul with Rabbi Eli Silberstein, shliach at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY, who shared fascinating stories late into the night.


Chabad On-Site at the Republican National Convention

Thousands of Jewish visitors who had come to Wisconsin for the Republican National Convention found a warm welcome at Lubavitch of Wisconsin. When they were unable to return home Friday, Chabad hosted them for full Shabbos accommodations.


Every Farbrengen On Video Now Available, All in One Place

Following the release of all major collections of videos of the Rebbe, JEM is now proud to introduce the new Farbrengen Index. Each Farbrengen video is also linked to relevant resources including video clips, photos, and transcripts where available.


Queens Yeshiva Celebrates Siyum on Bava Basra

Parents, grandparents, and the hanhala the Queens Mesivta gathered to mark the graduation of the Shiur Daled from Mesivta. Joining them in their celebration as well, were 10 talmidim who memorized the entire Masechta Baba Basra.


Summer in the Alps for Students of Brunoy Yeshiva

As every year, the students of Brunoy Yeshiva traveled to the Alps in the summer, where the regular yeshiva schedule continues. This year, the yeshiva remains open throughout the entire summer in a unique format for the younger students of the first-year Mesivta.



How Square is Square?

Ask the Rov: My tefillin got banged on the corner. Are they still kosher? Rabbi Chaim Hillel Raskin responds.


We All Have Double Standards

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: When it comes to learning Torah or engaging in certain challenging matters of Yiddishkeit, we sometimes justify ourselves by saying, “I don’t have the brains/time/energy for such difficult subjects,” or, “It’s totally out of character for me to get involved.” Justifications indeed. Until we prove ourselves wrong.


‘The World is Deteriorating, He Will Be Very Successful’

When Reb Shlomo Zalman, the Rebbe of Chabad-Kopust, heard that bochurim in Tomchei Temimim learn four hours of Chassidus daily, he was surprised. But later he admitted that the Rebbe Rashab was right, “The world is deteriorating by the hour, and he will be very successful.”


“In G-d We Trust”: Are You Ready To Go All In?

Among the tens of thousands of documented responses the Rebbe gave to those seeking his advice, one topic that frequently appears is Bitachon—trust in Hashem. A new seven-part video series will explore the Rebbe’s view on Bitachon.


Choshen Mishpat Isn’t Just for Rabbonim

Kollel L’Rabbonei Chabad is starting a new course ‘Choshen Mishpat Renaissance’ to study the practical aspects of the Alter Rebbe’s Choshen Mishpat over the course of three years.

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