This year, as the 7th-grade division opened in ‘Dovi’s CGI Florida,’ the staff took the initiative to organize an unprecedented trip: flying all the campers to New York for Gimmel Tammuz. The tremendous impact of the trip was remarkable.
In honor of Gimmel Tammuz this year, Dovi’s CGI Florida’s 7th-grade Temimim division embarked on a historic trip—the first of its kind. Over the years, camps within a bus ride’s distance used to travel to the Rebbe for Chof Av and other special days, leaving a tremendous impact on the campers. Recently, following Gimmel Tammuz, camps from various places have traveled to the Ohel and 770, spending this special and holy day by the Rebbe.
This year, as the 7th-grade division opened in Dovi’s CGI Florida, the staff took the initiative to organize an unprecedented trip: flying all the campers to New York for Gimmel Tammuz. The trip required extensive preparation, from fundraising for flights to coordinating logistics.
As camp began, the atmosphere was infused with excitement in anticipation of the trip. From the stories at lights out to videos of the Rebbe that the campers watched, expressing the Rebbe’s deep care and connection with every chossid, the campers learned about hiskashrus to the Rebbe and the importance of demanding Moshiach.
Finally, the big day arrived. They visited the Ohel, reading the panim they wrote and davening for their needs. Then, they headed to 770 for mincha and a rally. Afterward, they had the big zechus of walking into the Rebbe’s holy room, having a few moments to daven, continuing to the Rebbe’s library, then the Rebbe’s house where they said tehillim and enjoyed a fascinating tour.
The campers enjoyed amazing meals, including lunch and a delicious BBQ. During the BBQ, they were addressed by Rabbi Lev Yaakov Voskoboynik, hearing firsthand about his fascinating life journey—from a champion tennis player to a dedicated shliach of the Rebbe, spreading Yiddishkeit on college campuses.
Upon returning to camp, it was remarkable to witness the tremendous impact of the trip: strengthening their Yiddishkeit, chassidshkeit, and hiskashrus to the Rebbe.
We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all who contributed financially, making this trip the resounding success it was. Special thanks to Rabbi Yosef Y. Biston, executive vice president, and Camp Director Rabbi Yossi Goldblatt, as well as head staff Shua Slavin and Tzemach Shanowitz for their unwavering support and pivotal roles in facilitating this trip. We’d also like to express our gratitude to Rabbi Abba Refson for his assistance at the Ohel, Rabbi Berel Levin for welcoming us into the library, and Rabbi Mendy Krinsky for opening the Rebbe’s house. And, of course, much appreciation to Rabbi Moshe Rubashkin and the Webb family for their warm hospitality in hosting the meals.
May we merit very soon the complete and final Geulah when we’ll be physically reunited with the Rebbe once again!
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