Queens Yeshiva Celebrates Siyum on Bava Basra

Parents, grandparents, and the hanhala the Queens Mesivta gathered to mark the graduation of the Shiur Daled from Mesivta. Joining them in their celebration as well, were 10 talmidim who memorized the entire Masechta Baba Basra.

The parents, grandparents, and Yeshiva Hanhallah of Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim Lubavitch of Queens gathered Sunday, to mark the graduation of the Shiur Daled from Mesivta. Joining them in their celebration as well, were 10 Talmidim who memorized the entire Masechta Baba Basra together with the Siyum of 4 years learning and completing Likutei Amarim Tanya!

The proud parents marveled at the accomplishments of their children’s milestones, as they participated in the siyum.

The event was led by the menahel ruchni, Rabbi Mendel Scharf, who spoke of the uniqueness of each of the graduating Bochurim as well as their extraordinary achievements. Rabbi Yosef Braun shared words of Chizuk, as well as Rabbi Menachem Mendel Hendel, the general director of the Yeshiva. He was followed by the menahel gashmi, Rabbi Menachem Baruch, who praised the Bochurim for their diligence in their learning and their tremendous accomplishments.

Last to address the graduates were the Mashpia Rabbi Yisroel Noach Lipskier. Each stressed the point that the students may be graduating, but this isn’t the end, but rather, just the beginning. Now the Tmimim get to take all that they have gained over the past 4 years and put it all into practice, as they go out on the next phase of their journey.

As the event drew to a close, Rabbi Shmuel Brashevitzky, Rabbi Shmuel Samuel and Rabbi Efraim Setton spoke on behalf of the parent body, thanking the teachers and staff for an incredible 4 years.


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