President Joe Biden honored the Rebbe‘s birthday on Yud Alef Nissan by declaring it to be ‘Education and Sharing Day USA’, following the example of a long string of Republican and Democratic presidents since 1978.
Thousands Filled Eastern Parkway for Grand Achdus Event
In a monumental celebration, chassidim gathered on Eastern Parkway to celebrate the Siyum Harambam with words of inspiration and soul-stirring Niggunim with singer Avraham Fried.
From 770 We’re Marching Out
74 Mitzvah Tanks headed out from 770 to conquer New York City with matza and tefillin in honor of the Rebbe’s birthday on Yud Alef Nissan.
Picture of the Day
Harav Yehuda Yeruslavsky, rov of Nachlas Har Chabad, inspects the chalef of International Shochet Rabbi Eliyahu Ezagui with the hope that he will yet shecht the Korbon Pesach this year in the Beis Hamikdash.
Our Communities
Lahak Holds Mega Sale in Honor of the Rebbe’s Birthday
In honor of 11 Nissan, over one hundred and fifty seforim from the Rebbe’s Torah are being sold at a bargain price, with free shipping in all fifty states of the United States.
New Lubavitch Yeshiva to Open in Napierville
A new Mesivta is opening in Napierville, QC, outside Montreal, on its own spacious grounds, creating a calm environment, enabling the Bochurim to be completely enveloped in the Yeshiva atmosphere, where they can focus on their growth in learning and Avodas Hashem.
In Underground Meeting, Zelensky Takes Pride in Rebbe’s Birthplace
In an unprecedented move, Ukraine’s Jewish President Volodymyr Zelensky met with shluchim in the underground shelter of Kyiv’s Jewish school in a meeting organized by the Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine (FJCU).
Montreal’s Yagdil Torah Community Concludes Vibrant Season
As the conclusion of the winter, Yagdil Torah Montreal reflects on a season full of remarkable activity, including a Kollel for men, programs for families, Siyum Harambam, and a Shabbos Hachana ahead of Yud Alef Nissan.
‘Invite Him for the Pesach Seder’
In the early 1960s, Dr. Harold (Tzvi) Nierenberg served as the dean of Long Island University and was chosen by the Rebbe to head a revolutionary outreach initiative. When his son began veering from Yiddishkeit, the Rebbe had unique advice for him.
Expanded Ohel Buses for Yud Alef Nissan
The Daily Ohel Bus announced expanded hours and added trips to the Rebbe’s Ohel in the days leading up to, and following, Yud Alef Nissan. Details inside.
Less Than 24 Hours Left to the Mitzvah Tank Parade
In less than 24 hours, the highly anticipated Mitzvah Tank Parade will take to the streets of New York City and the Mitzvah Tank Office is calling on all members of the community to contribute and help make this year’s parade a resounding success.
War Day 194: Iran Being Kept on Edge, 14 Soldiers Injured by Drone
War Summary, Day One Hundred and Ninety Four: Qatar may withdraw from mediation role, IRGC in Syria on edge from fear of Israel’s retaliation, and 14 soldiers were injured in Hezbollah drone strike.
L’Chaim: Polter – Cohen
The L’Chaim of Mendel Polter of Atlanta, GA/Crown Heights, and Shimrit Cohen of Hollywood, FL/Crown Heights, was celebrated on Monday night in Crown Heights.
Live: Grand Siyum Harambam Event on Eastern Parkway
Live at 7 PM: In a monumental celebration, chassidim will gather in unity on Eastern Parkway to hear words of inspiration and soul-stirring Niggunim with singer Avraham Fried.
Preparations Well Underway for Tomorrow’s Parade
Dozens of talmidim of Lubavitcher Yeshiva in Crown Heights led by Rabbi Shmuly Turk packed hundreds of pounds of Matzos for tomorrow’s parade.
Chabad Air Opens Stand at Fort Lauderdale Airport
As EL AL inaugurated its new direct flight from Fort Lauderdale to Tel Aviv, Chabad Air’s Rabbi Yosef Rapp installed mezuzos and opened a permanent tefillin stand to service Jewish travelers.
Kollel Releases Comprehensive Pesach Halacha Guide
As we prepare for Pesach, kashering and toiveling utensils, cleaning kitchens, and preparing for the Sedorim, Halachic questions are bound to crop up. To aid in addressing these issues with clarity, Kollel L’Rabbonei Chabad published a comprehensive guide by Harav Gedalia Oberlander.
Detroit’s Mitzvah Tank Parade Energizes the City
In a colorful and spirited parade, 15 Mitzvah Tanks rolled through Metropolitan Detroit, Lansing, and Ann Arbor, in honor of the Rebbe’s upcoming birthday.
‘Shleikes Show’ to Entertain at Derher Kids Rally
Your kids will be inspired and engaged in a worldwide virtual program arranged by Derher’s Kids Story Time in preparation for Yud Aleph Nissan, including entertainment by “The Shleikes Show.”
Bochurim Receive Front Lines Training To Bring Pesach To The World
Over 800 bochurim heading on Merkos Shlichus participated in a Yom Iyun with workshops covering halachic queries and Seder tips to help them maximize the experience of those who attend.
Netzigim Clarify Eligibility for Upcoming Vaad Hakohol Elections
As preparations are underway for the first election for Vaad Hakohol in 14 years, Shul representatives held an independent meeting to address important matters related to the upcoming election.
Watch: Insights In the Rebbe’s Haggadah
Watch a series of two shiurim by Rabbi Nachman Wilhelm exploring the Rebbe’s Haggadah with explanations and background information, providing insight into the comments the Rebbe made.
War Day 193: US Impose Sanctions on Iran, 3 Hezbollah Commanders Eliminated
War Summary, Day One Hundred and Ninety Three: The US and EU plan to impose new sanctions on Iran, the IDF eliminated three top Hezbollah commanders in Lebanon, and he IDF is preparing a retaliating attack on Iran, but is not acting in a hurry, and is intentionally keeping the Iranian regime under suspense.