The Rebbe’s Letter to the Girl Who Wrote “I Love You”

From a nine-year-old boy trying to understand Hashem, to a young girl expressing her love for the Rebbe, the Rebbe took the time to address each of these children’s questions and feelings in a simple yet profound style tailored to their age and understanding.

Rebbe: “I love you,” the Rebbe’s reply to a little six-year-old girl.

This week, Rebbe Responsa presents a compilation of the Rebbe’s letters written to children. From these letters, one can see the Rebbe’s deep love and care for each individual no matter how small they may seem. From a nine-year-old boy trying to understand Hashem, to a young girl expressing her love for the Rebbe, the Rebbe took the time to address each of these children’s questions and feelings in a simple yet profound style tailored to their age and understanding.

In this week we present a Behind the Letter story of a little girl writing to the Rebbe: 

When Rivka Cohen was approximately six years old, she saw her mother writing a letter to the Rebbe. She noticed that her mother was hesitant and quite emotional, so she naturaly asked her mother what she was doing. Her mother replied that she is writing a letter to the Rebbe for she is in doubt how to proceed in a certain area. Rivka asked “Will the Rebbe answer you?” Her mother answered “Yes.” She then asked if she could herself write to the Rebbe, to which her mother replied in the affirmative. 

She then wrote a short simple letter to the Rebbe: 

“Dear Rebbe, I love you.” 

About two weeks later an envelope, addressed to “Miss Rivka Cohen,” from the Rebbe arrived. Her mother opened the letter and was astonished that the Rebbe replied to her daughter Rivka.

The Rebbe’s reply is printed on page 16 on the booklet. 

Although these letters were written to children, the messages they contain apply to all, young and old alike. In the words of the Rebbe in a letter: 

Although the [enclosed] message refers to children, it is well known that all Jews are called G-d’s children, as the Torah says, “You are children unto G-d your G-d.” Moreover, we are all “children” also in a literal sense, if we compare our intelligence with the infinite intelligence of the Torah. However, where one approaches the study of Yiddishkeit and all matters connected with the Jewish way of life with humility and realization of our intellectual limitations, this in itself assures a better and deeper understanding and insight. Thus we say in our prayer, “My soul will be as lowly as the dust – open my heart into your Torah

In addition, included is a Newly Released Letter as part of our recently relaunched daily newly released letter series.

Rebbe Responsa kindly requests anyone who may be in possession of letters of the Rebbe in English, to send them by email so that these unique treasures can benefit the public.

These selected letters are sourced from the extensive collection of over 5,000 English letters written by the Rebbe, accessible through the Rebbe Responsa app. To view previous issues click here.

Click here to download the booklet. 

  • Click here for PDF in booklet format.
  • For letters in connection with 12-13 Tammuz refer to last year’s booklet.

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