Kingston, PA: Young, Friendly and Heimish

Thinking of relocating? A new series shines the spotlight on some of the finest anash communities where you can settle and raise a family.

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If you ask locals to describe the anash community of Kingston, PA, two words will likely come up: friendly and heimish. There is a diverse mix – klei kodesh, entrepreneurs, and others who are looking for a nice, quiet place to raise their children. The close to seventy anash families living there are mostly young parents in their 20s, 30s and 40s, and their kids. 

Kingston has had a Chabad presence since shluchim Rabbi Tzvi and Suri Perlman moved there to work with local Yidden over 40 years ago. The first anash families began moving in when his son, Rabbi Uri Perlman, opened the Bais Menachem yeshiva twenty years ago. In recent years, many families have joined the original pioneers.

“It’s a relatively new community,” Rabbi Yehuda Green, who teaches at the local cheder and directs the summer camp, told “Some of the infrastructure is still being built up as people come up with and implement new initiatives. It’s fresh, but it’s growing, and the atmosphere is positive.” 

Like many start-up communities, some of that infrastructure is organized informally – postpartum support, monthly social gatherings for women and meal trains – coordinated by Mrs. Rochel Leah Perlman – are arranged via a WhatsApp group. The group serves as a community hub where help of every sort is offered, recommendations are requested, and programs and new initiatives are announced.

The community shul, Beis Tzvi Yosef, is an anash shul with a chassidishe feel. Shabbos morning you can find a shiur in Likkutei Torah by Rabbi Menachem Aizenman and many chavrusos. Most weeks there is a farbrengen after davening, as well as for every chassidishe yom tov during the week. Children can take part in activities such as Yeshivas Erev, Avos Ubanim, Mesibas Shabbos, and Shabbos Mevorchim Tehillim.

In some ways, though, Kingston is not your run-of-the-mill fledgling community. There is a fully stocked Kosher grocery store, and a pop-up cholov yisroel pizza shop every Sunday and Thursday. The school is booming, with around 180 preschool and elementary students. There is even a Chaverim organization that offers roadside and other non-emergency assistance to those who find themselves in a pickle.

The community is also home to a Mesivta for local and out-of-town students, led by Rabbi Shimon Hellinger. Bochurim are involved in the community and are hosted at local homes for Shabbos meals.

Around 10 new anash families are expected to arrive this summer, who can expect to be warmly greeted. “People here are very welcoming and accepting,” Rabbi Green said.

Community size: 70 Families

Mosdos and Amenities:

  • Chabad Shul: Bais Tzvi Yosef
  • Chabad School: Cheder Menachem – a 10-minute drive from the neighborhood, with busing offered for elementary-aged students. 
  • Yeshivos: Kingston Mesivta; Bais Shneur Zal, formerly of Long Island.
  • Mikvaos: Chabad mikvaos in the neighborhood.
  • Kosher Establishments: Kingston Kosher Grocery, located in the neighborhood; YeshivaCo-op Grocery, located 20 minutes away in Scranton, PA; Kingston Pizza, open twice a week.
  • Moreh Hora’ah: Rabbi Shimon Hellinger.

Cost of Living:

  • Housing market: 
    • Smaller homes can be purchased starting at around 120k. A home with 4-5 bedrooms can range from 200k – 400k. 
    • 3 bedroom apartment rentals cost $800-$1100 a month. 
  • Parnassah: Families tend to bring along their own businesses (remote work, online sales) or find work in their field before moving down, as there is no specific job market for anash families. 
  • Cheder tuition: $7,000, partial vouchers available.

Nearby Anash communities: Monsey – 2 hour drive. Crown Heights – 3 hour drive. 

Want to further explore this community? Reach out to Rabbi Green at 347-760-2133.

Photo credit: Rabbi Yehuda Green, R’ Motti Hershkop,

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