On Tuesday, two new US diplomats, US ambassador to Israel, Mike Huckabee, and US ambassador to the UN, Elise Stefanik, publicly announced the Jewish right to Eretz Yisroel based on the Biblical promise. Now, is the time for Israel’s politicians to state with conviction that the entire land is ours based on Hashem’s word in the Torah.
By Anash.org reporter
In two different public appearances on Tuesday, US ambassadors appointed by President Trump publicly affirmed the Jewish right to Eretz Yisroel based on the Biblical promise.
At a confirmation hearing for Elice Stefanik, incoming US ambassador to the United Nations, Democratic Senator Chris Van Hollen questioned her, “Do you subscribe to the views of [Israeli] Finance Minister Smotrich and former National Security Minister Ben-Gvir who believe that Israel has a biblical right to the entire West Bank, and in that conversation, you told me that you share that view. Is that your view today?”
Stefanik responded unequivocally: “Yes.”
Senator Van Hollen hassled her about this, saying that it stood in the way of peace in the Middle East, adding that her view “was not held by the founders of the State of Israel, who were secular Zionists.”
Separately, in a broadcast interview with Fox News, US Ambassador to Israel, Mike Huckabee, declared the Jewish ownership of the land since the days of Avraham.
When asked about a two-state solution, Huckabee unequivocally rejected the concept of a Palestinian state, saying, “You can’t have a Palestinian state on top of an Israeli state. Israel has a right to its autonomous, indigenous homeland that they’ve had for 3,500 years since the days of Abraham. It’s the land that G-d gave, and it’s a blessing to be a part of this land.”
Huckabee also emphasized his refusal to use the term “West Bank,” stating, “There is no such thing. I refer to it as Judea and Samaria. There is no ‘occupation.’ The land is occupied by the people who have had a rightful deed to it for 3,500 years, since the time of Abraham.”
However, the burden to carry through with that right, Huckabee said, lies in the hands of Israel’s Jewish politicians.
In an interview with Israel National News regarding Israel’s sovereignty of Judea and Samaria, Huckabee said, “That’s a decision for Israel to make, not for the United States to impose it on them. Donald Trump is not the kind of president who wants to tell other countries what to do. He wants to encourage peaceful endeavors, strengthen alliances, and support Israel in making its own choices.”
Throughout the years, the Rebbe maintained that America will ultimately play by Israel’s position. If Israel’s leaders project unwavering conviction to the Jewish ownership of the land based on the Torah, they will not push them. But if they lack that conviction, what can be expected of America?
Unfortunately, Israel’s leaders have not highlighted this enough. Even when emphasizing Israel’s historical claim, they have not articulated the biblical promise that Eretz Yisroel was given by Hashem to the Jewish people. In his most recent UN address, Netanyahu spoke of Israel as the historical homeland without emphasizing its divine origin.
It is time for Israel’s leaders and politicians to stand firmly before the international community and declare that Eretz Yisroel is the eternal land of the Jewish people, given by Hashem—not by a UN resolution or international agreement. As Trump has made clear, America works as an ally to Israel. When Israel firmly asserts this stance, the United States will, bez”H, stand by its side unwaveringly.
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