Chabad of Houston, Texas, celebrated the Chag Hageulah of Yud Tes Kislev with guest speaker from New Orleans, LA, Rabbi Yossi Nemes inspiring the crowd, followed by a grand Farbrengen that lasted many hours.
Chabad Lubavitch in Houston, Texas this past Thursday, held a grand Seudas Mitzvah and followed by a farbrengen in honor of the Chag Hageulah of Yud Tes Kislev, Rosh Hashanah Le’chasidus.
The program began fittingly with a video presentation exploring the Tanya, followed by a Siyum on Tanya by Rabbi Asher Moshe Belles. After singing the stirring niggun of Padah Bishalom, Rabbi Betzalel Marinovsky made a Siyum on the yearly cycle of Hayom Yom.
R’ Ben Cotlar was chosen to make a Siyum Hashas followed by the guest speaker, Rabbi Yossi Nemes from New Orleans, LA who delivered a powerful talk. The program concluded with the commencement of a grand farbrengun that lasted for many hours.
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