Close to 400 Bochurim Qualify for Halikut Grand Siyum

Over the past few months, Bochurim in Yeshivos worldwide have been learning Chelek Chof of Likkutei Sichos. The finalists for the concluding test in New York have now been announced.

After months of dedicated learning, close to 400 Bochurim from Yeshivos worldwide have earned their place at the seventh Halikut Siyum in New York. Over the past 12 weeks, participants have immersed themselves in Chelek Chof of Likkutei Sichos, memorizing 250 pages in preparation for rigorous tests.

The Halikut program, spanning 20 Yeshivos globally, has set a new standard for Likkutei Sichos study, with Bochurim dedicating their free time to intensive learning and reviewing of the sichos. Those who successfully passed all three tests in their respective Yeshivos will now take the final test in New York.

Following the exam, top-scoring Bochurim will advance to the Chidon, where they will be tested live on stage by the Chozrim who originally transcribed the Sichos. The ultimate winner will be awarded the full collection of the Rebbe’s printed Torah.

The event will conclude with a grand banquet and Siyum on Chelek Chof, celebrating the Bochurim’s achievements with awards and prizes.

Halikut is organized by Vaad Hatmimim under the leadership of Rabbi Tzvi Hirsh Altein and is directed by Meir Deren, Mendel Gopin and Gedalia Hertz.

The list of finalists can be found below.


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