Chassidim Worlwide Prepare for Yud Shvat with Basi L’Gani

In preparation for Yud Shevat, Anash and temimim worldwide are enthusiastically studying the Basi L’Gani maamarim particularly relevant to this year’s upcoming Yud Shevat. Dozens of resources are being created in all forms: print, audio, and video.

In preparation for Yud Shevat, Anash and temimim worldwide are enthusiastically and devotedly studying the Basi L’Gani maamarim particularly relevant to this year’s upcoming Yud Shevat — marking 75 years of the Rebbe’s nesius.

As part of this extensive learning initiative, numerous shiurim on the ma’amarim are being delivered by distinguished mashpi’im in various languages. Study aids are being published, and dedicated websites like,, and Seder Dach of 770 are compiling resource materials and shiurim.

A particularly valuable resource for many is the Elucidated Ma’amar Basi L’Gani 5725 by Rabbi Shmuel Pevzner of Crown Heights. This provides everyone an opportunity to learn and understand the ma’amar with the assistance of a clearly written, accessible explanation interwoven with the original transcript of the ma’amar. Chapter 15 of Basi L’Gani 5710 is also explained in a manner understandable for all levels.

His father, Rabbi Avraham Boruch Pevzner, the Rebbe’s shliach and rov of the Chabad community in Paris, reviewed the kuntres and contributed valuable comments. The kuntres has been published with approval from Kehos.

Rabbi Michoel Golomb, mashpia in the Central Tomchei Temimim Yeshiva, has prepared a kuntres containing explanations for all four ma’amarim relevant to this year. In addition to his explanations, Rabbi Golomb highlights the progression and chiddushim of the ma’amarim — a unique and quality work that will greatly assist those learning the ma’amarim, intended to be studied alongside the original hanachos.

The Central Tomchei Temimim Yeshiva has published a booklet containing all the teachings of our Rebbeim cited in the ma’amarim for those who wish to examine the original sources. It also includes a word-for-word hanachah of the 5725 ma’amar exactly as it was delivered.

For your convenience, the ma’amarim and study materials are attached for reading, downloading, and printing.

Download a kovetz of this year’s maamorim.


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