Chabad in Israel Demands Government Fulfill Its Duty to Withstand Pressure

Agudas Chassidei Chabad addressed a letter to the Prime Minister of Israel and his office, drawing parallels to the first mass-release deal of terrorists in 1979, where Israel initially vowed to uphold its principles but shockingly succumbed to pressure.

To: The Honourable Prime Minister of Israel, Mr Benjamin Netanyahu
and the Esteemed Members of the Government of Israel.

Subject: The Rebbe of Lubavitch’s Position on Hostage Release Deals

We are honoured to present before you the position of the Rebbe of Lubavitch regarding deals with terrorist organisations for the release of hostages.

It is important to clarify that the Rebbe did not involve himself in politics. However, out of deep concern for the millions of Jews residing in the Land of Israel, he expressed his perspective on the approach that would enable them to live in peace and security.

Throughout Jewish history, the nation of Israel has faced instances of kidnapping, and the sages of Israel established principles on how to act in such situations so as not to encourage further abductions.

There is no doubt that the horrific suffering of the hostages themselves, as well as the agony of their families, is devastating and heart-wrenching. Nevertheless, it is essential to consider the broader implications for the entire nation and to prevent a situation that could lead to far greater bloodshed, Heaven forbid—a consequence that could arise from succumbing to the extortion of a murderous terrorist organisation and the irresponsible release of murderers and terrorists.

A Correct Policy

The Rebbe believed that the approach taken by the Israeli governments during the first decades of the state’s existence—refusing to yield to kidnappings and not allowing kidnappers to achieve their goals—was the correct policy. This stance, he maintained, was the only way to prevent future abductions.

When this firm policy was abandoned and the government began to give in to the demands of kidnappers, the Rebbe urgently warned that such capitulation would lead to a severe deterioration in national security and endanger Jewish lives. Unfortunately, we have seen how accurate his warnings were.

“Why Did They Surrender?!”

After one of the first mass-release deals involving terrorists, in exchange for reservist soldier Avraham Amram in the year 5739 (1979), the Rebbe exclaimed:

“Did you not proclaim yourselves that this was a matter of principle, that you would not surrender to any threats? And this policy was a logical one—that if the terrorists saw that threats could result in the release of murderers, it would provoke them to take more hostages. Hence, there is no alternative but to show them that such actions do not succeed.

“And yet, suddenly you changed course in a shocking way—one in exchange for seventy-something!

“And nearly half of those released were not detained for minor offenses. They were active terrorists, with Jewish blood on their hands!

“Until now, such individuals involved in acts of terror had not been released, because you did not want to capitulate to terrorism. But now, even murderers are being released—murderers who openly declare that they will not repent but rather, ‘I have eaten, and I will eat again,’ Heaven protect us!

“When the other side sees this, why would they not continue this method of taking hostages? And indeed, they do continue, Heaven help us!”

Thinking About the Future

We call upon decision-makers to do everything within their power to bring our kidnapped brothers and sisters out of captivity, but not through a deal that endangers the people of Israel. It is your duty to withstand the pressures and prevent a situation where an irresponsible agreement results in Jewish blood being spilled, Heaven forbid, and additional families being struck by bereavement and orphanhood, G-d forbid.

It has already been proven in the past that standing firm and resolute against terrorism is the effective way to curb it and to ensure peace and security for the residents of the land. We have seen that the words of the Rebbe have been fully validated. Let us heed his guidance, and surely the Almighty will assist you in your efforts.

With deep respect
and with the blessing of “I will grant peace in the land”,
Agudas Chassidei Chabad


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