Gan Yisroel camps held in Yeka, Odessa, the Carpathian Mountains, and Dnipro hosted hundreds of children and families over the summer, bringing a strong influx of Yiddishkeit and joy to the campers.
By staff
This summer has been unprecedented in Ukraine, as hundreds of Jewish children from across the country are enjoying the well-organized ‘Gan Israel’ camps. These camps are run by the shluchim and led by dedicated young counselors from Chabad yeshivos worldwide. With the support of Chabad’s network in Ukraine, JRNU, the children are experiencing weeks of both spiritual and physical enjoyment, filled with vibrant attractions that integrate educational values.
One of the largest camps recently concluded was the ‘Yeka Camp – Gan Israel,’ organized by Rabbi Levi Berger and overseen by Rabbi Shlomo Wilhelm, the shliach from Zhytomyr, as part of the activities of the “Zhytomyr Youth Home.” The camp took place in a peaceful village in the Carpathian Mountains, where over a hundred children enjoyed a wide array of summer activities.
“Children came to the camp from all over Ukraine,” said Rabbi Wilhelm, “especially from war-torn areas like Kharkiv and Sumy, where explosions are heard constantly.”
Rabbi Wilhelm highlighted the significant impact of the camp: “The children made positive commitments, such as placing mezuzahs in their homes. Some even celebrated their Bar Mitzvahs. The atmosphere was wonderful. The children felt uplifted, ate kosher food, and enjoyed the experience together.”
He added, “You cannot describe the impact on a Jewish child living in a remote area when they see so many other Jewish boys just like them. It strengthens their Jewish pride. Every year, we see how far-sighted the Rebbe was with the energy he invested in all matters related to ‘Gan Israel.'”
At a camp held in Odessa, 110 children were blissfully unaware of the recurring power outages that struck the city due to the scorching 38-degree weather. Despite the ongoing war and extreme heat, the power kept failing. Thanks to a large generator installed by JRNU, the children continued to enjoy themselves, celebrating, singing, dancing, learning, and rejoicing at every moment.
“The generator ran non-stop, and the children weren’t even aware of the power outages,” said Rabbi Avraham Wolff, a shliach in Odessa. “The children enjoyed air conditioning in their rooms, hot and filling meals, all infused with the warmth and energy provided by a dedicated staff who had meticulously prepared with fascinating programs and activities.”
Rabbi Wolff concluded, “The children were filled with positive energy that will carry them through the upcoming year.”
A unique phenomenon happening in several locations across Ukraine is the ‘Family Camp’—a type of ‘Gan Israel’ not just for children, but for entire families. One of the main family camps took place in the Carpathian Mountains in western Ukraine, where members of the Jewish community led by Rabbi Mordechai Levenhartz gathered.
Around 100 family members, including refugees from Kherson and Donetsk, where battles have raged in recent years, participated in the camp. The camp was accompanied by Rabbi Daniel Lanau and Rabbi Simcha Levenhartz. The unique 10-day camp offered families a rich and diverse program.
At the same time, a month-long ‘Gan Israel’ day camp was held for 60 Jewish children from the Kyiv community.
“The impact of the Family Camp and Gan Israel is critical to Jewish life in Ukraine,” said Rabbi Simcha Levenhartz. “After last year’s Family Camp, many participants made positive commitments, strengthening their observance of Torah and mitzvot, kosher weddings, keeping kosher, Shabbat observance, Jewish education, and more.”
“After seeing the amazing results last year, we knew we couldn’t give it up this year,” Rabbi Simcha added. “With the help of JRNU, we managed to organize a unique Family Camp in a calm and peaceful location. Most of the participants were women and children or elderly people, as all men in Ukraine are conscripted into the war by law.”
During the time the families enjoyed the well-organized camp, they received news of another major attack in Kyiv, at a children’s hospital, which caused panic and chaos. “The Family Camp allows the Jewish community to forget the daily explosions and atmosphere of fear, and enjoy ten days of relaxation,” concluded Rabbi Simcha.
More than 400 family members participated in a massive summer camp organized by the Jewish community in Dnipro, under the leadership of Chabad shliach and Chief Rabbi of Dnipro, Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetzky, with the generous support of JRNU. The well-planned program includes an abundance of kosher food and a variety of activities for the entire family, young and old, all under the attentive care of the Dnipro Jewish community staff.
With careful planning, the summer camp program was designed to keep children engaged throughout the day, allowing parents to rest and enjoy Torah classes and activities for adults. The green and picturesque scenery provides participants with much-needed mental relaxation amid the ongoing war, which has become the reality for millions of Ukrainian citizens.
The family summer camp also includes a wide range of lectures, classes, and activities, offering spiritual inspiration to all participants. Families of emissaries and community activists also took part in these vacation days, allowing them to recharge and gather energy for the coming year.
“The camps have truly saved us and revitalized the Jewish community,” said Rabbi Kaminetzky. “There’s no way to describe the tremendous impact the camp has had on all the participants.”
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