On Yud Tes Kislev, hundreds of Chassidim from across Boro Park gathered at Beis Menachem shul for an inspiring and uplifting farbrengen with R’ Leibel Altien and R’ Moshe Gurary of Pomona, together with joyous dancing, and heartfelt words of inspiration.
By Anash.org reporter
On Thursday night, Yud Tes Kislev, hundreds of Chassidim from across Boro Park gathered at Beis Menachem Shul for an inspiring and uplifting celebration of the Yom Tov. What began as a Seudas Yud Tes Kislev hosted by the community quickly transformed into a vibrant farbrengen, filled with joyous dancing, and heartfelt words of inspiration.
The farbrengen, which continued for hours, was led by R’ Leibel Altien, Mashpia of Beis Menachem, alongside R’ Moshe Gurary of Pomona. The mashpi’im kept the crowd engaged with their words of wisdom and insight into the teachings of the Alter Rebbe, urging all present to strengthen their commitment to learning Chassidus.
Over the year, Beis Menachem is a central hub for hundreds of individuals dedicated to the study of Chassidus, with many members engaging in regular chavrusas, Leil Shishi gatherings, and shiurim. On Yud Tes Kislev, many join to renew their commitment to the teachings of Chassidus, drawing inspiration from the Alter Rebbe’s Yom Tov. The community’s dedication to Chassidus throughout the year was palpably felt, as both young and old joined together to deepen their connection to the Rebbe and Chassidus in a joyous atmosphere.
One poignant moment came when R’ Moshe Sklarz, a beloved elder Chossid, passionately implored those present to strengthen their learning of Chassidus, sharing that this was the central point in a yechidus he was zoche to have. As the evening wore on, the whole crowd joined in lively and freiliche dancing, united in their simcha for the Yom Tov. The words of the famous song, “Va’ani Evtach Bach,” filled the air.
The Yud Tes Kislev celebrations were not limited to just the farbrengen. The entire Shabbos was dedicated to the study of Chassidus, with special shiurim, seudos, and farbrengens. As the Shabbos drew to a close the Chassidim left with a renewed dedication to the study of Chassidus and a deeper connection to the teachings of the Rebbeim.
Wow looks like you need to expand even more!