American 770 Bochurim Enjoy Melava Malka with New Staff

This past Motzoei Shabbos, over 200 English-speaking Bochurim gathered for a Melavah Malka and Chai Elul Farbrengen to start the new year in 770. Among the speakers were the two new staff to the 770 yeshiva R’ Yaisef Greenbaum and R’ Hershel Morosow.

This past Motzoei Shabbos, over 200 English-speaking Bochurim gathered for a Melavah Malka and Chai Elul Farbrengen to start the new year in 770.

The evening began with MC Meir Lazaroff warmly welcoming the new group of Bochurim to Yeshiva.  Avrohom Wolfman led a Siyum on Seder Avodah and Haschala of Sefer Korbanos, and Mendel Sternberg shared the story of the Alter Rebbe’s birth.

Mashpia Roshi R. Shloime Zarchi shared his personal memories of Chai Elul with the Rebbe. Mashgiach R. Levi Klyne spoke about the importance of maintaining one’s learning during the upcoming month of Tishrei.

R. Yaisef Greenbaum, a new addition to 770 as a Shoel uMeishiv for Chassidus, delivered a powerful Sicha on Bikurim and the inherent connection between every Jew and Hashem. R. Hershel Morosow, the new Shoel uMeishiv for Iyun, stressed the value of hard work in learning Gemara.

Following the Melava Malka, Rabbi Yosef Braun, the Mara D’asra, led a farbrengen throughout the night, delving into the essence of being a true tomim in 770.

The event was made possible by the Yeshiva Student Society לזכות משפחת קארלבאך and organized by Chaim Piekarski, Meir Lazaroff, Shneur Carlebach, and Yankel Raices.


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