A Nigun from the Chossid Murdered in the Chevron Riots

The chossid R’ Moshe Goldschmidt HYD, was a tomim in Lubavitch who moved to Chevron where he served as a shochet. In 1929, he was murdered by the Arab rioters. Here is a nigun he composed, sung by R’ Menachem Mendel Amar.

The chossid Rabbi Moshe Goldschmidt, Hy”d, was a chossid of the Rebbe Rayatz and one of the prominent students at the Tomchei Tmimim Yeshiva in Lubavitch.

Due to the harsh decrees of the Communist government in the Soviet Union that prevented any possibility of Jewish education, Rabbi Moshe decided to make Aliyah to the Holy Land, to the city of Chevron. There, he became the driving force of the local community, serving as a shochet, a bodek, and in other public roles.

During the events of 1929, on the 18th of Menachem Av, the rioters broke into his home and murdered him with terrible cruelty.

The nigun was recorded by students of the Rosh Yeshiva of Tomchei Tmimim in Lubavitch, Rabbi Yehuda Eber, Hy”d, who taught them many nigunim.

The nigun is number 202 in the Sefer HaNiggunim.

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Listen on streaming networks: https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/rabbimenachemamar/—-5

In memory of Yitzchak ben Morris Abecassis, z”l.

To date, 79 melodies have been released as part of the Ga’aguim project. Be a partner: https://orm-center.org/gaagoim/

The ‘Ga’aguim’ Chabad Melodies project is a collection of authentic melodies sung by Rabbi Menachem Mendel Amar, Rabbi of the ‘Or Menachem’ center in Ashdod.

Singing: Rabbi Menachem Mendel Amar

Mixing and violin: Mordechai Brutsky

Arranging: Oved Monis


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