YK Prague Finishes First Summer With Trip to Poland

After six weeks full of learning and fun, the bochurim of YK Prague wrapped up the summer with one more grand trip to Poland. After the final Farbrengen with YK Mashpia, Rabbi Fully Dubov, preparing for this trip, the visit was especially meaningful, replete with singing, and of course, mivtzoim.

After six weeks full of learning and fun, the bochurim of YK Prague wrapped up the summer with one more grand trip to Poland. Settling in on a double-decker bus, with fresh YK Prague sweaters, the last grand trip began.

Starting in Krakow,  the bochurim toured the old Jewish quarter, the Rema’s Shul, cemetery, and the Jewish ghetto. After a restaurant lunch in Krakow, YK Prague boarded the bus to Auschwitz, for a complete guided tour of Auschwitz and Birkenau. After the final Farbrengen with YK Mashpia, Rabbi Fully Dubov, preparing for this trip, the visit was especially meaningful, replete with singing, and of course, mivtzoim.

Looking back at the summer, YK Prague bochurim counted hundreds of tefilin wrapped on the streets of Prague, most of them coming just steps from the YK campus, and landmarks such as the Charles Bridge, the Alt-Nei Shul, and the historic Jewish cemetery. This impressive statistic takes on a greater magnitude, when understanding the full yeshiva schedule achieved in YK Prague, where bochurim finished the entire maseches makkos, and completed sugyos in chassidus, nigleh, and halacha.

Visitors and locals alike marveled at the intense scenes, such as farbrengens with the bochurim, chassidus being learned in the shul of the Maharal, and seder niggunim held in Parizka Park. Tourists from around the world made sure to stop into the YK Prague Beis Medrash for a chance to learn and daven while overlooking the kever of the Maharal. 

The unique fusion of a full yeshiva schedule, while enjoying fascinating trips around Europe, and a busy shlichus experience, is quite the feat. YK Prague bochurim came out of the summer with many skills, ready to be put to use as they move on to Yeshivah Gedolah. This accomplishment is thanks to the tremendous team who put in days and nights to make this program possible.

Under the auspices of Chabad Lubavitch of Prague, and shliach Rabbi Manis Barash, the group of YK staff, led by YK director Rabbi Mendy Barash, created an oasis of Torah learning and mivtzoim in the heart of old Jewish Prague. The team of Sholom Bronstein, Meir Cohen, Mendel Eisenbach, Dovid Lifshitz, Shneor Oberlander, Mendy Soudry, and Leibel Webb ensured that every bochur had a chavrusa, a Farbrengen, or even just a friend to discuss what yeshiva gedolah is like, at any moment. 

The mechina program had its own team of talented staff, overseen by director Rabbi Mendy Barash: Nochum Barash, Yisroel Faiden, Moshe Goldshmid, and Mendy Silberberg ran an exciting program for 20 Yaldei Hashluchim from across Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia.

To keep up with happenings at YK Prague, make sure to visit www.ykprague.com

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