A unique podcast “Tidbits from Reb Meilach a”h” offers a rare opportunity to hear short but powerful excerpts from the farbrengens and shiurim of Reb Meilach Zweibel a”h and to be inspired by his deep insight and chassidishe mesora.
By Anash.org reporter
A unique podcast, “Tidbits from Reb Meilach a”h,” is offering a rare opportunity to hear short but powerful excerpts from the farbrengens and shiurim of the renowned mashpia Reb Meilach Zweibel a”h.
Reb Meilach, who served as the mashpia in Tomchei Temimim Morristown for over 50 years, was known for his genius in all areas of Torah, a deep understanding of chassidus, his dynamic farbrengens, and his ability to inspire generations of talmidim.
The podcast features carefully selected clips that capture his unique style of farbrenging—blending deep concepts in chassidus with practical guidance in avodas Hashem.
Topics include “When Reb Michoel Dvorkin ran into the Rebbe Rashab” (3 min), “How can you sleep when you didn’t see your father in years?” (3 min), “The first thing is to be the Rebbe’s eved” (2 min) and more short and insightful topics.
Whether one had the privilege of hearing Reb Meilach in person or is discovering his farbrengens for the first time, this collection provides an opportunity to be inspired by his deep but practical guidance.
The podcast is available on Spotify, Apple, and other podcast platforms.
Listeners who have additional recordings or memories to share are encouraged to reach out at [email protected].
Can you please make the full farbrengens available as well? Thank you so much for any of his gems that you’re able to share.