New Chabad Yeshiva Caters to Chassidishe Community

A new yeshiva “Hama’or Shebatorah” was established in Eretz Yisroel to cater to the growing number of “Poilisher” chassidim who have joined the Chabad Mayonei Yisroel community. The zman was opened by the community’s mashpiim, R’ Zalman Gopin and R’ Chaim Sholom Deitsch.

A new yeshiva was established in Eretz Yisroel to cater to the growing number of families from chassidishe communities who have joined the Chabad Mayonei Yisroel community.

The yeshiva, called “Hama’or Shebatorah,” a high-level yeshiva in both nigleh and Chassidus, has been in planning for several years. The yeshiva is designed to cater to bochurim from poilishe chassidishe families were drawn close to the Rebbe and Chassidus, and are eager to raise their children with Chassidus. The yeshiva’s spoken language is Yiddish.

The chanukas habayis event was headlined by leading mashpiim, including R’ Zalman Gopin, mashpia at the Tomchei Tmimim Yeshiva in Kfar Chabad and R’ Chaim Shalom Deitsch, Rosh Kolel Tzemach Tzedek, both mashpiim of the Mayonai Yisroel community.

The ceremony took place in the newly inaugurated yeshiva hall, located at the Mayonei Yisrael Center in Yerushalayim, where the bochurim will learn. The building is undergoing renovations to be a magnificent center for Chassidus.

After singing a niggun together, the mashpiim of the yeshiva spoke. They outlined the yeshiva’s goal to raise chassidishe bochurim in the path laid out by the Rebbe Rashab in founding Tomchei Temimim. The yeshiva will go on that path, raising the bochurim with learning Chassidus and connection to the Rebbe, with warm farbrengens.


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