Mrs. Esther Procel, who was born in Cairo, Egypt, and went on to raise generations in Melbourne, Australia, passed away at the age of 100.
Mrs. Esther Procel, the matriarch of a Lubavitch family in Melbourne, Australia, passed away.
She was 100 years old.
Mrs. Esther Procel was born in Cairo, Egypt in 1924.
When she was only two years old her mother passed away, leaving her father, and eventually grandfather and relatives, to care for her and her three older siblings.
Esther had a thirst for knowledge and loved spending her time reading things like French dictionaries, novels, and medical books. She was multilingual and spoke six languages.
As a young woman, she worked as a window dresser in an exclusive gift store frequented by princesses and queens from other countries. During WWII, she worked for the British Air Force stationed in Abu Kir, Egypt, for three years.
In 1953, she moved across the world, leaving behind her family and friends, to marry her husband Yaakov Procel, a Holocaust survivor from Poland. A devoted wife, she cared for him until his passing in 2000.
She was blessed with wisdom and a sharp mind till the end of her life.
Respect is something she excelled in. Particularly, Rabbonim who she held in high regard. She revered the Rebbe whom she wrote to and received letters from. She was careful to show appreciation to anyone and everyone and always said “Thank G-d” when hearing good news.
Her pride and joy in life was her family, leaving behind many grandchildren and greatgrandchildren that each adored her.
She passed away peacefully in her sleep, just a few weeks shy of her 101st birthday.
She is survived by her children Avrohom Procel and Devorah (Debbie) Neubauer.
Condolences can be sent to [email protected] and [email protected].
Boruch Dayan Ha’Emes – אסתר בת יוסף הלוי
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