Live: Rally for Eretz Yisroel and Yidden around the World

The NCFJE and Tzivos Hashem are making an urgent 20-minute rally today from 2:50 pm to 3:10 pm followed by Mincha. The short program of Torah Tefillah and Tzedoka will unleash the special power that children in Tzivos Hashem have.

The NCFJE and Tzivos Hashem are making a special rally today from 2:50 pm to 3:10 pm followed by Mincha.

The rally is being broadcast by and can be seen right here on

The short 20-minute program of Torah Tefillah and Tzedoka will unleash the special power that children in Tzivos Hashem have.

The program will start with the MC Rabbi Shimon Hecht speaking about the power of Children.

Followed by Teffilah: Kapitel Chof, The Rebbe Kapitel, Kapitel 150.

Then everyone will give Tzedaka.

Followed by the 12 Pessukim, We Want Moshiach Now, and the Niggun Al Tira – Utzu Eaitza.

The rally will conclude with a powerful sicha in which the Rebbe tells the children that the zechus of them foiling the plot of their Yetzer Hora Hashem will foil the plot of our enemies.

Please join in this rally wherever you are in the world.

Please have a Tehillim and Tzedoka prepared in advance.

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