Don’t Miss the Opportunity for Exceptional Brachos!

The appeal for Reb Levi Yitzchok’s yahrzeit is a chance to receive brachos in abundance, while strengthening the spread of Yiddishkeit in the entire Kazakhstan.

Don’t Miss the Opportunity!

Such brachos aren’t accessible any day!

The appeal for Reb Levi Yitzchok’s yahrzeit is a chance to receive brachos in abundance, while strengthening the spread of Yiddishkeit in the entire Kazakhstan.

Donate today li’ilui nishmas R’ Levi Yitzchok, and merit the wondrous brocho of the Rebbe.

Donate now!

The Rebbe asks: “Everyone should give according to the generosity of his heart and add to the amount that you decided to give, not a little but a lot!”

Didn’t manage to donate yet? Now is the time! Already donated? Add a bit more!

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