At the Cusp of the New Year!

Chof Av falls out exactly 40 days before the start of the new year. At this special point in time when the preparations for Rosh Hashana begin, it is important to give tzedaka, thus drawing down brochos for the whole year.

Chof Av falls out exactly 40 days before the start of the new year. At this special point in time when the preparations for Rosh Hashana begin, it is important to give tzedaka, thus drawing down brochos for the whole year.

Donate generously, and merit an abundance of brochos!

That’s the size of his keli?

This was the Rebbe’s response to one who donated $100 to Keren Levi Yitzchok, and asked the Rebbe if he would accept his participation even with the small amount. The Rebbe answered, “A strange idea-we are holding days away from ‘ksiva vachasima tova’ (which includes being written and inscribed for material wealth) and this is the size of his keli?!”

Don’t miss this opportunity, make a proper keli!

Donate li’lui nishmas R’ Levi Yitzchok and bring down the brochos for the new year!

80 Years Since His Passing, 80 L’gvurah!

Join us in commemorating the 80th anniversary of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson’s passing and participate in the Rebbe’s Kibud Av. This Chof Av campaign offers a special opportunity to continue Rabbi Levi Yitzchak’s legacy and revitalize Jewish life in Kazakhstan, the land of his exile.

The Rebbe promised extraordinary blessings to those who contribute: “Up to five hundred times as much.” By supporting this cause, you not only fulfill the Rebbe’s heartfelt request but also potentially merit abundant blessings for yourself and your loved ones.

In years when the 20th of Av coincided with Shabbos, the Rebbe extended the campaign to the following day, ensuring that this important commemoration was never overlooked.


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