Winners of Moshiach Chidon Announced at Grand Banquet

Twenty finalists representing dozens of Chabad yeshivos displayed their knowledge of the Rebbe’s sichos on Moshiach at the international Moshiach Chidon held on Gimmel Tammuz.

This year’s Moshiach Chidon Gala Banquet took place last Thursday night, gathering Bochurim from around the world in celebration of their commitment to learning Inyoni Geulah uMoshiach.

An impressive 1,600 bochurim participated in this year’s Moshiach Chidon, with 520 advancing past the final round and earning their spots at the Gala Banquet & Chidon. The feeling of Achdus was felt in the air, uniting participants from various countries, languages, and backgrounds, all with a shared goal: bring Moshiach.

Rabbi Mendel Yuzevitch served as the MC for the evening. The panel of judges comprised esteemed Rabbis Heschel Greenberg, Shloma Majeski, and Shalom Zirkind.

Bochurim on stage were representatives from various Yeshivas, many of whom had already showcased their knowledge in mini Chidon competitions at their respective yeshivas.

Stage representatives:  Levi Nakeh from Yeshivas Lubavitch Argentina; Moshe Vishedsky from Lubavitch Mesivta of Scottsdale Arizona; Yehuda Leib Weitman from Yeshivas Lubavitch Brazil, Menachem Mendel Eidelman from Yeshiva Ketana Brunoy; Sholom Brashevitzky from Yeshivas Lubavitch Cincinnati; Mendel Mizrachi from Chovevei Torah; Yechiel Piekarski from Mesivta D’Suffield Connecticut; Mendel Sasonkin from Darchei Menachem; Gavriel Noach Halevi Levitin from Mesivta D’Kingston; Shlomo Posner from Yeshivas Ohr Elchonon Chabad Los Angeles; Menachem Mendel Lewis from Lubavitch Yeshiva Ketanah London; Zevy Brusowanken from Klurman Mesivta Miami; Avremel Leverton from Mesivta Lubavitch of Monsey; Eli Uminer from New Haven Mesivta; Shaul Yechezkel Paltiel from Oholei Torah Mesivta; Moshe Hershkop from Mayan Torah Pomona; Chaim Yisroel Sharf from Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim Queens; Shmaya Pruss from Mesivta Lubavitch Toronto; Yosef Deitch from Mesivta Menachem Westchester; and Mendy Andruseir from Bais Menachem Wilkes-Barre.

The bochurim were treated to a special video presentation by Harav Yosef Yeshaya Braun, Rabbi Yossi Jacobson, Rabbi Yossi Paltiel, Rabbi Gershon Avtzon, Rabbi Nachman Schapiro, and Rabbi Yosef Chaim Kantor.

Guest speaker Rabbi Aron Ginsburg delivered an inspiring speech, reminding the bochurim of their critical mission and the importance of integrating their learning about Moshiach into their daily lives.

The night reached its peak with the announcement of the winners. Chaim Yisroel Sharf won first place and was awarded a Ksav Yad from the Rebbe. Sholom Brashevitzky claimed the second spot and received a dollar from the Rebbe, while Chezky Paltiel came in third, earning a precious stamp from the Rebbe.

Four Yeshivas – Toronto, Cincinnati, Monsey, and Pomona – were acknowledged for their high participation levels and were rewarded in a raffle with a dollar from the Rebbe.

As a special memento of the occasion, each participant was gifted a Sefer on Geulah uMoshiach. Additionally, more than 90 bochurim who had won Seforim in raffles during the course of the Mivtza were presented with their prized Seforim.

The banquet concluded on a high note, with spontaneous dancing and singing filling the room as the winners were announced, celebrating the months of hard work the finalists had put into learning Inyoni Geula uMoshiach.

We are sure that this event brought the Rebbe much nachas, and we hope and pray that next year’s Chidon will take place in Yerushalayim, with Moshiach at our lead.


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