Large Turnout for Monsey Gimmel Tammuz Farbrengen

A community-wide farbrengen was held in Monsey to mark the Rebbe‘s yahrzeit on Gimmel Tammuz, with the participation of prominent rabbonim from across the area.

A community-wide farbrengen was held in Monsey to mark the Rebbe‘s 29th yahrzeit on Gimmel Tammuz, with the participation of prominent rabbonim from across the area.

Over 350 people came to be inspired and uplifted with moving nigunim, Chassidic insights and stories. The farbrengen lasted well into the night.

Emceeing the event was Mashpia and local Askan Rabbi Levi Tiechtel who spoke about the essence of the day and the importance of preparing for Moshiach. Rabbi Boruch Lesches, Rov of the Chabad community, opened the evening with words of chizuk. Rabbi Shlome Kagan repeated the maamar VeAtah Tetzaveh, the last maamar given out by the Rebbe.

The keynote speaker was Rabbi Moshe Kesselman, Rav of Shaarei Tefillah in Los Angeles, he spoke about how the Rebbe’s words are timeless and remain full of life and the importance of hiskashrus, connecting with our Rebbe.

Among the participants were many local shluchim, Anash, and members of other local communities. The many guests expressed their admiration and appreciation for being able to participate in a unifying farbrengen held for anash from Monsey, Airmont, Suffern, Pomona, Stony Point, New City and Nyack.

Rabbi Berry Nash, one of the organizers remarked that “It’s an honor to be a small part of something this magnificent. Our Lubavitch community in Rockland County now has an organized event where we can all come together.” 

The event was sponsored by many local businesses and anash, including Taurus Auctions, Day One Lighting, Tzohar Illuminations, Itzy’s Towing, Dovid Gaerman, Monsey Flower Market,, MG Celebrations, Joseph & Kirschenbaum LLP and Amor Fine Jewelry. 

The event was also live-streamed on for the benefit of the broader Chabad community.


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