“These Sichos Will Stay With Me Forever”

Watch: Vaad Hatmimim released a video recap of the grand Halikut Siyum of 5781, with bochurim relating how the study of a full volume of Likkutei Sichos influenced them.

Vaad Hatmimim released a video recap of the grand Halikut Siyum of 5781, with bochurim relating how the study of a full volume of Likkutei Sichos influenced them.

Over three hundred bochurim from yeshivos across North America joined the Halikut Siyum, the culmination of months of studying Likkutei Sichos Chelek Lamed.

A full day of tests and programs at the event concluded with a grand chidon where the three finalists competed for the grand prize, and a grand Siyum celebrating the achievements of the bochurim who completed Likkutei Sichos Chelek Lamed.

To support Halikut and Vaad Hatmimim’s other projects, click here.

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