Hundreds of Bochurim Tested on Full Volume of Likkutei Sichos

Photos: Meir Donel/

Over three hundred bochurim from yeshivos across North America gathered on Sunday for the grand Halikut Siyum. The program began with a test on the entire Chelek Lamed of Likkutei Sichos.

By reporter
Photos: Meir Donel/

Over three hundred bochurim from yeshivos across North America gathered on Sunday for the grand Halikut Siyum. The program began with a test on the entire Chelek Lamed of Likkutei Sichos.

Each one of the hundreds of bochurim in attendance had passed the previous three tests during the past months. They were then invited to join the Halikut Siyum, and to take part in this fourth, and final test, competing to win the top prize – all of the Rebbe’s seforim in Kehos.

The program will continue throughout the entire Sunday, continuing with an on-stage competition, where finalists are tested by the chozrim on the full sefer, followed by a crossfire session with mashpi’im, and concluding with a grand banquet.

Halikut is a program of Vaad Hatmimim under the direction of Rabbi Tzvi Hirsh Altein, and led by Tzvi Alperowitz, Boruch Ceitlin and Peretz Garelik.

To support Halikut, and Vaad Hatimimim’s other programs, please go to – Please give, and give generously!

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