‘This Man Must Have a Blocked Head!’

Living in the shadow of one of the greatest chassidim of all time, R. Sholom R. Hillel’s was himself an impressive chossid and oved. But one comment from a villager did more for his avodas Hashem than the Chassidus that he learned from his great mashpia.

What’s Wrong with the Frog?

You can just imagine this wretched rasha stroking his goatee, clearing his throat, and giving rational, reasonable life advice to the massed Jewish soldiers. “If you ask me,” he told them, “you should drop this whole thing.” An article by Rabbi Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin.

How We Can Find Space for Other People in Our Life

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: When we stand firm, no matter how much space we have, we’ll always feel hampered, threatened, and inhibited by others. But when we “prostrate” ourselves to a higher purpose, we’ll have plenty of room for the other people in our life.

What We Can Do About Too Much Screen Time

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: Children nudge to have just a few more minutes of screen time. A few minutes may be harmless but are we slowly building “walls” of habit? It’s our job to give pause and scout the land.

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