Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: At this point in his life, Yosef had already experienced enough hardship, disappointment, and stress to make him angry at the world. Yet, he still wanted to be helpful. We each have the power to be a Yosef.
He Soaked the Tanya with His Tears and Passed Away
At first a successful businessman, after losing his fortune R. Avremke Zhebiner became a respected chassidishe rov. Known for being R. Groinem‘s mashpia, he didn’t leave this world before tearfully parting with the Tanya.
We Are Kings and They Know It
Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: We can try appeasing the nations of the world through politics, and we can try showing that we’re like them socially; but none of this will help. They’ll always be turned off by our kingly essence.
The Chossid Known as “The Cold Firebrand”
A tall man with hardened facial features, seemingly cold and calculated, Reb Chaim Ber Wilensky of Kremenchug didn’t look like a warm “chossid.” The truth, however, was quite the opposite, and those who were close to him, dubbed him, “the cold firebrand.”
The Bomb Exploded and We All Cried Out ‘Shema Yisrael’
Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: Suddenly there was a fearsome blast: a bomb exploded near our group. A river of fire gushed forth, and we saw death before our eyes. And at that moment, everyone cried out in one voice: Shema Yisrael, HaShem Elokeinu, HaShem echad!
She Offered Her Marriage to the Mitteler Rebbe as Dowry
When the Mitteler Rebbe‘s widow, Rebbetzin Shaina, suggested her granddaughter as a shidduch for the Rebbe Maharash, the Tzemach Tzedek asked what dowry she was offering. The Rebbetzin replied, “I will give forty years of eishes chaver kechaver – the wife of a tzadik being equal to the tzadik himself!”
They’re Just Looking for a Juicy Red Story
Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: Reporters came to places where Yidden were murdered by coldblooded terrorists, but instead of recognizing innocent civilians murdered by barbaric terrorists, they indulge their own appetite for juicy stories.
Will the Real Mechanchim Please Stand Up?
Anash Magazine: At lectures and in online videos we hear the oft-repeated mantra “chinuch is all about love.” Yet veteran mechanchim speak out about a central component that is being neglected and how children need more than just love.
The Ultimate Podcast: Sicha Yomis Offers a Daily Boost
Anash Magazine: Long before podcasts were “in,” Sicha Yomis was giving chassidim a way to tap in every day and listen to a sicha of the Rebbe relevant to that particular day. Close to 30 years later, it’s still going strong.
The ‘Malach Hamavess’ Wants Us To Dwell On Death
Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: What’s happening in Eretz Yisroel is painful beyond words. On top of that we also see and hear blatant antisemitism and despicable injustice all around us. At the same time, we mustn’t get stuck.
He Walked Into Shul and Was Shocked by What He Saw
Entering a shul in dire neglect, Reb Meir of Premishlan suddenly exclaimed, “Ma nora hamakon hazeh! This is no other than the house of Hashem!” To his students’ bewilderment, he explained that sadly only a shul goes so neglected.
They Are Ruthless, But We Are Strong
Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: It’s frustrating to witness the injustice surrounding Eretz Yisroel these days. How can the world not see through the lies of these monstrous murderers? Indeed, Yishmael’s ruthlessness has a long history.
Jealous of His Davening, They Cast a Spell On Him
A brilliant maskil in Chassidus and a remarkable oived, Reb Pesach Malastovker earned the jealousy of others who cast a spell of machshavos zaros upon him. The Alter Rebbe gave him an apple and removed the spell.
The Only Remaining Original Tanya Manuscript
Only a single manuscript of the Alter Rebbe’s handwriting of the Tanya remains, and it is housed in the Rebbe’s library. What happened to the other original manuscripts?
These People Are Stars, How About Me?
Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: As the war continues, more and more horrific stories of pain and suffering emerge R”l, but there are also stories of Yidden in Eretz Yisroel who are becoming stronger and prouder. These people gathered the strength, during such a difficult time, to make real changes in their lives.
“You’re Living in a Box, and I Think It’s Insensitive”
Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: It’s natural to be interested about the situation in Eretz Yisroel and to spend time following the news, WhatsApps and what not. But an honest assessment may help us recognize that in most cases, they leave us feeling down, dark, anxious and depressed.
We Know He’s In Charge, But a Pogrom is a Pogrom!
Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: In the early 1900s, after some devastating pogroms, the Rebbe’s melamed found a source in the Torah for what was going on. The Rebbe repeated this episode one Simchas Torah and concluded, “Still, a pogrom is a pogrom!”
He Was Fooled by a Sheperd Boy Who Slept Above the Oven
A talmid and dear friend of Reb Hillel Paritcher, Reb Betzalel Azaritcher was an esteemed chossid and shadar of the Tzemach Tzedek. Yet, he felt unworthy when he did not recognize the shepherd boy.
They Knew How to Breakdance, and They Danced in a Circle
Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: Breakdancing and disco dancing are full of self. Dancing in a circle demonstrates togetherness. These bachurim knew that while breakdancing will attract attention, the circle is really what it’s all about.
The Stories Behind the Rebbe’s Shtenders
Over the years of the Rebbe’s nesius, he used a number of shtenders, each with their own unique story and history. These are the shtenders and the story behind each one.