The Rebbe’s Words Surprised These Barbados Rabbis

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: We’ve recently seen how thousands of Yidden who once claimed to want nothing to do with Hashem have now embraced Him. It’s sad that this came through such tragic circumstances, but let it be an inspiration to never give up on bringing Hashem’s presence to every single yid.

The Matriarch of Lubavitch: Wise, Sensitive, and Loyal

A prominent figure in Lubavitch, Rebbetzin Rivkah, whose 110th yahrtzeit is on Yud Shvat, was known for her wisdom and storytelling, as well as her sensitivity and kindness. Her admiration for her husband, the Rebbe Maharash, was so exceptional that she never sat while he stood and didn’t disturb him when her dress got caught in the door…

What’s Going On With Lubavitch?

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: Chabad-Lubavitch is baruch Hashem functional, impressive, and influential. Those who want can see and share its beauty with others. But those who want to see shortcomings will see and peddle only that information.

Decisions Should Not Be Motivated by What “They” Will Say

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: It’s painful to see military and security decisions being made from fear of foreign approval. “What will the world say?” The Rebbe constantly emphasized that there are clear halachos for how to deal with security questions. The Will of Hashem should be the only deciding factor.

Like Security, Chinuch Must Be Left to the Experts

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: Notwithstanding Yosef’s greatness, he was not fit to run a Yeshiva. A Yeshiva must be led by those who have only one occupation: Torah. Even someone performing at the level of Yosef Hatzadik, is not fit to lead a Yeshiva properly if he has other occupations.

“So Mesiras Nefesh Has a Limit?”

Under Communist rule, Reb Yona Kahn “Poltaver” risked his life by running all underground branches of Tomchei Temimim in Russia. When Reb Mendel Futerfas asked him about leaving, Reb Yonah shared how he felt about it.

Languishing in Prison, He Went Beyond Himself

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: At this point in his life, Yosef had already experienced enough hardship, disappointment, and stress to make him angry at the world. Yet, he still wanted to be helpful. We each have the power to be a Yosef.

We Are Kings and They Know It

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: We can try appeasing the nations of the world through politics, and we can try showing that we’re like them socially; but none of this will help. They’ll always be turned off by our kingly essence.

The Chossid Known as “The Cold Firebrand”

A tall man with hardened facial features, seemingly cold and calculated, Reb Chaim Ber Wilensky of Kremenchug didn’t look like a warm “chossid.” The truth, however, was quite the opposite, and those who were close to him, dubbed him, “the cold firebrand.”

She Offered Her Marriage to the Mitteler Rebbe as Dowry

When the Mitteler Rebbe‘s widow, Rebbetzin Shaina, suggested her granddaughter as a shidduch for the Rebbe Maharash, the Tzemach Tzedek asked what dowry she was offering. The Rebbetzin replied, “I will give forty years of eishes chaver kechaver – the wife of a tzadik being equal to the tzadik himself!”

They’re Just Looking for a Juicy Red Story

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: Reporters came to places where Yidden were murdered by coldblooded terrorists, but instead of recognizing innocent civilians murdered by barbaric terrorists, they indulge their own appetite for juicy stories.

Will the Real Mechanchim Please Stand Up?

Anash Magazine: At lectures and in online videos we hear the oft-repeated mantra “chinuch is all about love.” Yet veteran mechanchim speak out about a central component that is being neglected and how children need more than just love.

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