Decisions Should Not Be Motivated by What “They” Will Say

It’s painful to see military and security decisions being made from fear of foreign approval. “What will the world say?” The Rebbe constantly emphasized that there are clear halachos for how to deal with security questions. The Will of Hashem should be the only deciding factor.

By Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier – The Beis Medrash

After Yaakov Avinu passed away, the brothers feared that Yosef would finally retaliate for what they had done to him. They entreated him not to. In response, Yosef reassured them by saying אל תיראו, התחת אלוקים אני- “Don’t be afraid, for am I instead of Hashem?” Meaning to say, Hashem runs the world and if He chooses for you to go unpunished, I will never be able to harm you.

The Daas Z’keinim interprets Yosef’s words differently. The words התחת אלוקים אני is not a rhetorical question but a literal statement. “I am under Hashem.” I am a ירא ה’ and in all I do I answer only to Him. For this reason, אל תיראו, you have nothing to fear. Retaliating is certainly not something that Hashem wants and is therefore not something I would ever do.

Imagine what life would be like if we lived every day, every moment, תחת אלוקים!

It’s painful to see military and security decisions being made from fear of foreign approval. “What will the world say?” As a result, how many Yiddishe soldiers are being killed, R”l?! Imagine if these decisions were all made תחת אלוקים. The Rebbe constantly emphasized that there are clear halachos and daas Torah for how to deal with security questions. The Will of Hashem should be the only deciding factor.

Let’s ask ourselves this question on a personal level: How can I live my life תחת אלוקים?

I may be tempted to say something harsh to a spouse, co-worker, or a student, but if I reflect on the fact that I must answer to Hashem and not to my own ego, it becomes easier to choose our words wisely.

So many young people today are lost when it comes to shidduchim. “What should I be looking for?” The first and foremost quality—after health—is a ירא שמים, someone who lives their life under Hashem. Consider how many aspects of a good marriage depend on respecting our spouse, their needs, desires, and feelings. And consider how difficult it is for someone who answers to themselves to give up their own wishes for the benefit of another.

Yosef teaches us and empowers us to make real life decisions with a Hashem-based barometer.

May we all aspire toward this and do what we can to begin living this way. And may we very soon experience the times of Moshiach when the entire world will acknowledge Hashem’s sovereignty. 

[1] See Likutei Sichos vol 3 pg. 827

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