New Chabad Album: Nechochos 11

Over the past few years, the Yom Tov packages of Kfar Chabad Magazine have included a CD of Chabad niggunim. Entitled Nichochos, some were compilations of different singers singing Chabad niggunim as part of their recently released CDs. Others featured one artist, or a choir, singing exclusively niggunim.

This year’s Nechochos 11 is a recording of a hakafos shniyos in Me’oras Hamechpela on Motzei Simchas Torah. Sung by Mendy Jerufi, the album includes mostly upbeat Chabad nigunim, as well as some contemporary songs related to Eretz Yisroel and Chevron.

We are pleased to present you with the tracks to listen or download.


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