Why did the prophesy of Moshiach have to come through a non Jewish Navi like Bilam? R. Levi Garelik explains in this 3 minute shiur.
Parsha Podcasts: Korach
Anash.org is pleased to bring you a curated selection of audio shiurim on Parshas Korach.
What Is the Role of a Rebbe
Understanding the concept of a Nosi Hador, explained by the Rebbe. A new playlist of Sichos in connection with Gimmel Tammuz.
The Battle of Gog Umagog
What will the Battle of Gog Umagog that prefaces the coming of Moshiach look like? Watch a 3 minute shiur by Rabbi Mendel Krasnianski.
Parsha Podcasts: Shelach
Anash.org is pleased to bring you a curated selection of audio shiurim on Parshas Shelach.
Keeping Kosher in the Air
Eating a hot kosher meal on a plane is more complicated than you would think. Rabbi Nachman Wilhelm sheds clarity and offers guidance.
Not All Questions Have Answers
Rabbi Yisroel Noach Vichnin of Mayanot Yeshiva, shares anecdotes and insights in preparation for Gimmel Tammuz.
The Answer to All Your Questions
We are told that when Moshiach arrives our Halachic dilemmas will be resolved by Eliyahu Hanavi. But why not Moshe Rabeinu? Watch Rabbi Sholom Zirkind share the answer in this mini-shiur.
Parsha Podcasts: Beha’aloscha
Anash.org is pleased to bring you a curated selection of audio shiurim on Parshas Beha’aloscha.
The Cost of Galus
Why is tzedaka a key factor in bringing the Geulah? In this mini-shiur, Rabbi Sholom Zirkind explains the reason.
Parsha Podcasts: Naso
Anash.org is pleased to bring you a curated selection of audio shiurim on Parshas Naso.
End of The Two Day Yom Tov?
We celebrate two days of Yom Tov due to our being in galus. When Moshiach comes, do we go back to one day? A 3 Minute shiur by Rabbi Fishel Oster.
Matan Torah with the Rebbe
Prepare for Matan Torah with a new Shavuos playlist! Listen to a new playlist from Ashreinu highlighting the significance and various unique lessons of Shavuos.
Daf 48 of Masechta Sotah
During the days of sefiras ha’omer, the minhag by chasidim is to learn maseches Sotah, one blatt each day, corresponding to that day’s sefiras haomer.
Parsha Podcasts: Bamidbar/Shavuos
Anash.org is pleased to bring you a curated selection of audio shiurim on Parshas Bamidbar and Shavuos.