Harav Ezra Schochet, Rosh Yeshiva of YOEC, gave shiurim on Chanukah topics while in Crown Heights this past week. Audio and Gallery
Chanukah and Purim: The Forever Festivals
When Moshiach comes, Yamim Tovim will be ‘nullified’ – but not Chanukah and Purim. What’s their secret? Geula and Moshiach with Rabbi Sholom Zirkind.
PowerPoint Sicha: Chanukah
Anash.org feature: Weekly sicha explained in a lucid PowerPoint presentation by Rabbi Chananya Hoffinger of Gemara Academy.
Geula Stage Two: Out of This World
Geula and Moshiach: Rabbi Sholom Zirkind explains the idea behind the two periods.
PowerPoint Sicha: Chanukah
New feature on Anash.org: Weekly sicha explained in a lucid PowerPoint presentation by Rabbi Chananya Hoffinger of Gemara Academy.
Weekly English Sicha Shiur: Vayeishev
This week’s Halikut shiur is delivered by Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Wolberg, Magid Shiur in Manchester/Kfar Chabad.
As Final As It Gets
We frequently use the term גאולה האמיתית והשלימה, but how will the future Geula be more ‘true’ or ‘complete’ than its antecedents? Geula and Moshiach with Rabbi Sholom Zirkind.
Weekly PowerPoint Sicha Series
New feature on Anash.org: Weekly sicha explained in a lucid PowerPoint presentation by Rabbi Chananya Hoffinger of Gemara Academy.
Weekly English Sicha Shiur: Vayishlach
This week’s Halikut shiur is delivered by Rabbi Yehuda Leib Shapiro, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Gedolah of greater Miami.
Parsha Podcasts: Vayeitzei
Anash.org is pleased to bring you a curated selection of audio shiurim on Parshas Vayeitzei.
Should We Fear Moshiach?
People who are not educated with the Lubavitch approach to Geula may fear Moshiach’s arrival, but is there indeed room for fear? Geulah and Moshiach with Rabbi Sholom Zirkind.
New PowerPoint Sicha Series Launched
New feature on Anash.org: Weekly sicha explained in a lucid PowerPoint presentation by Rabbi Chananya Hoffinger of Gemara Academy.
Weekly English Sicha Shiur: Vayeitzei-Yud Kislev
The Halikut study program publishes a weekly video shiur by a rotation of Mashpiim and Roshei Yeshivos. Rabbi Meir Shloime Kaplan, Maggid Shiur in Beis Midrash Oholei Torah.
Parsha Podcasts: Toldos
Anash.org is pleased to bring you a curated selection of audio shiurim on Parshas Toldos.
The Future of Shoes
We are told that when Moshiach will come, we will wear shoes to cross the split river. What purpose will those shoes serve? Geulah and Moshiach by Rabbi Sholom Zirkind.
Weekly English Sicha Shiur: Toldos
The Halikut study program publishes a weekly video shiur by a rotation of Mashpiim and Roshei Yeshivos. This week’s shiur is delivered by Rabbi Eli Nosson Silberberg, Rosh Yeshiva in Yeshivas Ohr Eliyahu – Lubavitch Mesivta of Chicago.
Will There Be a Third Splitting of the Sea?
With today’s advanced modes of transportation, will it be necessary for Hashem to split the sea in order for Jews to return to Eretz Yisroel? Geulah and Moshiach by Rabbi Sholom Zirkind.
Parsha Podcasts: Chayei Sarah
Anash.org is pleased to bring you a curated selection of audio shiurim on Parshas Chayei Sarah.
Crown Heights Learns Shabbos Goy Rules
A large crowd gathered in Crown Heights to hear Rabbi Yosef Yeshaya Braun clarify the truths of Amira L’nachri. Video inside.
Weekly English Sicha Shiur: Chayei Sara
The Halikut study program publishes a weekly video shiur by a rotation of Mashpiim and Roshei Yeshivos. This week’s shiur is delivered by Rabbi Fishel Oster, Magid Shiur in Beis Medrash Oholei Torah.