Can I Take My Regular Vitamins on Pesach?

Watch at 7 PM: Harav Gedalya Oberlander will answer practical halachic questions including vitamins on Pesach, flying during chol hamoed, kneeling while cleaning, preparing for the seder and what if you forgot, petting zoos, and preparing gebrokts on Shvi’i shel Pesach.

Can I Eat Chometzdike Matza Before Pesach?

Watch at 7 PM: Harav Gedalya Oberlander will answer practical halachic questions including eating chometzdike matza before Pesach, siyum by a twelve-year-old or one who learned the mesechta from a recording, undoing a Pesach hiddur, and kashering an induction cooktop.

Who Can Finish Davening After Chatzos?

Watch at 7 PM: Harav Gedalya Oberlander will answer practical halachic questions including davening after chatzos, said the wrong bracha, gluten-free pet food on Pesach, pajama pants for women, and sweeping after the Shabbos meal.

Can I Toivel Dishes to Give in Mishloach Manos?

Watch at 7 PM: Harav Gedalya Oberlander will answer practical halachic questions including toiveling Mishloach Manos dishes, dying hair or wearing clothes of the opposite gender in a costume, mourner joining a community seuda, and men listening to recordings of women’s lectures.

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