Can One Participate in a Post Ramadan Iftar Meal? feature: Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas including joining an Iftar meal, “Shabbos cosmetics,” pidyon haben after miscarriage, and carrying in a front porch on Shabbos.

The following issues are discussed by Rabbi Raskin in this week’s episode:

  1. In the front of my house, there is a low wall to the street that is less than 10 tefochim high with a roof overhang. What needs to be done to allow me to carry there?[1]
  2. Does a car protect a Kohen from Tumas Ohel? [2]
  3. My wife miscarried after six weeks. If she has a boy, will it have a Pidyon haBen?[3]
  4. I was invited by the local imam to join his congregation for one of their meals at the end of the fast. Is it advisable for me to join them?[4]
  5. During Pesach, we found a pajama of our baby that didn’t wash so well. Possibly remains of rice or buckwheat. Do we have to burn it?[5]
  6. The popular Bach-flower remedies are kept in brandy, and the method of use is to add several drops into a cup of water. A) Does the brandy (wine) become botel? B) May a Jew deliberately be mevatel a forbidden substance?[6]
  7. Should a boy who is under Bar Mitzva be encouraged to make Havdolo on Sunday morning?[7]
  8. When traveling by plane, is Tefilas haDerech said during the flight or during the journey to the airport?[8]
  9. When making pasta on Yomtov, may one use a colander to strain the water?[9]
  10. Wetting a cloth on Shabbos isn’t allowed, because it is laundering the cloth. Over Pesach, many homes cover the taps with a cloth, to strain the water from any undesired particles. Why is this permitted?[10]
  11. A new line of cosmetics has been recently advertised as being suitable for use on Shabbos. Is that permitted straightforward or is it “cutting corners”?[11]

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[1] ראה שוע”ר סי’ שסא סו”ס ה. (בנידון השאלה: א) השטח לשטח ציבורי; ב) יש עירוב באיזור).

[1] ראה אגרות קודש ח”ו ע’ שמח; קובץ רז”ש ע’ 60 ע”פ הר”ש אהלות פ”ח ורא”ש שם פ”ז; שלחן כהנים (הענדל) פכ”ג.

[1]  ראה שו”ע יו”ד סי’ שה סעיף כג ברמ”א, ובמלקטים.

[1]  אגרות קודש ח”ה ע’ ריד. על שלילת המפגשים של רבנים עם נציגי דתות אחרות, ראה ס’ שליחות כהלכתה ע’ 188-193.

[1] ראה שוע”ר סי’ תנג ס”ה.

[1] נתיבים בהלכה ומנהג סימן מג.

[1] פסקי תשובות סימן רצו סי”ט ובהע’ 182 שם.

[1] לקוטי שיחות חי”ב ע’ 152.

[1]  פסקי תשובות סי’ תקי סק”ג.

[1] נטעי גבריאל – פסח פמ”ז ס”כ.

[1] קצות השלחן סי’ קמו הע’ כ (ח”ח ע’ לב); פסקי תשובות סימן שג סט”ז.


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