‘It’s Erev Rosh Hashana and Nothing is Set Up?!’

Titled “yedid beis Rebbe,” Reb Elye Chaim Althaus was a devoted chossid of the Frierdiker Rebbe and stood by his side in all his activities. When Reb Yisroel Jacobson expressed surprise that the Rebbe’s shul was not ready on erev Rosh Hashana, Reb Elye Chaim turned the question around.

He Just Sat There Looking at the Sky

Reb Moshe Yitzchak of Yasi, a chossid of the Alter Rebbe and Mitteler Rebbe, was returning from the mikvah one erev Shabbos, when he suddenly looked up to the sky and became very excited. The incident remained a mystery for years until the Tzemach Tzedek explained it.

He Mixed Something Good Into His Ink

A misnagdishe communal leader in Vilna, Reb Meir Refoel’s became an ardent chossid after witnessing two incredible mofsim by the Alter Rebbe. Despite the attacks the Vilna chassidim faced, he insisted on keeping the peace.

‘Healing’ Is Not Our Guide to Life

“I’m not intimating that ‘healing’ in itself is idolatry, there is, however, a sentiment that people openly vocalize that ‘healing’ is paramount. Concerns and questions about particular methodologies, even questions like ‘Is it Avodah Zara?’ are scoffed and dismissed as out of touch.”

He Was Fired Up by Just a Few Lines of Tanya

Blessed by the Rebbe Maharash to be a lamdan and a gevir, R. Zalman Schneerson of Lodz was indeed both, as well as a profound oved. When he couldn’t take mashke, a few lines of Tanya about the joy from HaShem’s omnipresence was enough to fire him up in vigorous dancing.

The Census Brought Them to Their Senses

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: Today, we are very occupied with respecting people’s privacy, preferences, and rights. Many youth today aren’t being shown the true Torah path because people are afraid of infringing on their freedoms. Perhaps we can learn a lesson from Reb Levik and have more faith in our youth.

Teachers Should Be Paid on Level with Businesspeople

From the Anash.org Inbox: I’ve been following the discussion about teachers in our mosdos, and I feel like I must add in my input – which is actually just the Rebbe’s words: teachers’ salaries must be equal to their businessmen peers for the success of our children’s chinuch.

We Need Not Have a False Sense of Protection or Dread

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: Being armed from without shouldn’t give us a false sense of protection, and being threatened from without shouldn’t give us a false sense of dread. We have it within ourselves to connect with Hashem and overcome any and all obstacles.

How Do We Deal with the Situation Today?

From the Anash.org Inbox: In recent months, there has been a move to introduce various religious items and prayer in public schools. Should Jews be getting involved? This question was the subject of a debate between the Rebbe and R’ Moshe Feinstein 60 years ago.

They ‘Got Us’ When We Were Tormented

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: Chassidim have always had those who “pursued” us, mocking us for our ways. But “bein hametzarim,” when Yidden in Russia were engulfed in aguish and the Chassidim stood out with pure and relentless mesiras nefesh, that’s when “all our pursuers” began to grasp and understand our ways.

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